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The Vitae Court

Fae Court Independant Varos
Zorren population of Veradune
Veradune Malakath]
Out-of-character information
Image taken and edited from Huntik: Secrets and Seekers

Led not by a Duannan monarch, but a Tuathan Triumvirate, the Vitae Court was created by the Brothers Vitae, all of whom were once members of the Autumn Court’s Wild Hunt. Eventually growing to pity the mortals they terrorized, the three Tuathan Fae, Varos, Rerreno, and Wulren set about creating a new race to protect the mortal realm. When their labors were finished the Zorrens were created, and with them, the legend of the three Brothers grew powerful enough to place them on par with any Duannan Monarch.

With a new mortal army and the strength to create their own court, the brothers left the lands of the Ixchel Wilds and founded the city of Veradune deep within the wilds of Malakath. From this city, their influence and power would grow, generations of reverence and worship as gods growing the power of the Brothers Vitae while they spread their Zoren creations throughout the world, creating a web of agents and hounds to protect and defend the mortal realm.

With their rise in power came a formation of their code. Standing for Life, Freedom, and unity, the Vitae Court believes in fostering cooperation between the fae and mortal realms. Eschewing the secrecy of the Duannan Courts, the Vitae work alongside their mortals to keep the world safe from threats of all kinds.


Led by a triumvir known as the Brother's Vitae, the Vitae Court works alongside the mortals of Veradune, forming an under council made up of fae lords and the most powerful of the Zorrens who are given magical potency in return for their service to the court.

The Code

The Vitae Court operates on short code who's complexity comes from simplicity. Guided by the Principles of "Life, Freedom, and Unity," The Vitae court's goal is to promote these ideals in the mortal realm either by bolstering the forces of good, or eradicating those that would seek to destroy, enslave, or tyrannize Arethil. To this end, the Vitae champion mercy and avoid killing whenever possible. Amongst Fae, The Brothers Vitae are known for offering fair deals to mortals and avoiding any deals that might lead to an eternal debt or ownership. To promote the tenet of unity, the Vitae Court's harshest punishments are reserved for traitors and the Brothers are known for keeping a united front against foes while also granting vengeance to mortals who have been betrayed.


Given the code's mention of "freedom," slavery is unsurprisingly despised within the VItae court with many of its operations being specifically enacted to prevent or disrupt the practice. Whether it be mortals enslaving mortals, fae enslaving fae, or the two enslaving each other, the Vitae court is always eager to put a stop to it whenever they can. Unfortunately, due to politics and the dangers of war, many courts are safe from the Vitae taking obvious action, although the promotion of slavery is a very easy way to gain the ire of the court and severely hamper any attempt at friendly diplomacy.


With the brothers gaining power from the faith of their mortal followers, the Vitae Court works closely with its mortal counterpart, the Vitae Alliance. Zorrens, being born with magical power are offered more power as they serve the court and the alliance, creating a measurable meritocracy which can place them at levels of strength on par with even powerful fae. Beyond their own creations, the Brothers Vitae do their best to create a better life for all mortals, having created the Zorrens specifically to guard their realms.


Weaponry: Given their stated goal of being the guard dogs of the world, members of the Vitae Court are rarely if ever seen without some form of weapon, showing their ever-vigilance against the forces of evil that they are sworn to seek and destroy.

Diplomacy: Despite their championship of the Life as a virtue, the Vitae Court exists in a perpetual readiness for war. Believing in protecting those weaker than them, any war outside their borders is scrutinized by the brothers Vitae. If a cause is considered just then Wulren, the lord of War begins his battle plans to tip the scales in the chosen side’s favor. While the court usually prefers to make friends and deals between its fellow courts, those that threaten the balance of the mortal realm may find themselves faced with the dual army of the Vitae Court and Alliance.


Originally members of the Wild Hunt, the Vitae Brothers saw the destruction wrought within the mortal realm by its own members. Collectively feeling a righteous fury, each brother left their life of punishment and turned to one of salvation. Now, a new race and millennia later, The Brothers Vitae have each carved out their own divine affinity with Varos lording over secrets and guile, Rerreno acting as the lord of diplomacy, and Wulren acting as the lord of war.
After their initial creation, The Vitae Court expanded into a wide spanning organization, protecting and dealing with mortals and fae alike. While careful to keep their true natures hidden from the mortal realm, they made enemies and allies alike with their unusual beliefs regarding mortals. Eventually, the Vitae Court joined the war against the Summer Court, and after a victory returned to their usual duties. Over time however, the Court felt its presence was no longer necessary and shrank into obscurity, going into a self imposed exile on Malakath where they built their forces and kept to the shadows until needed again.

With another War on the Summer Court once again on the Horizon, the Vitae Court has come out of hiding. Its agents once again move freely throughout the world and the Brothers Vitae have taken an active role in Fae Society, reminding all realms of their purpose in keeping the balance between Fae and Mortal.