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  2. Subspecies: Kaidani
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Kaidian; Kaidani

Basic Information
Divine Dragons; Tail-Tuckers Dragons have long been in Arenthil since the beginning. Some are savage beasts the have succumb to their primal insticts, and others cause destruction and devastation or wealth and prosperity for their own amusement. When the civilization of the sentient prospered, curiosity flourished among some the more ancient beings. These lesser draconic beings were "born with the powers of dragons, but with the heart of humans" and therefore are outcast by both. This includes but not limited to: most humans, draconians and true dragons. very long; Age limit unknown Omnivorous Subspecies of True Dragons
Physical description
Avg. Height 6'5 humanoid form; dragonoid form avg. 125 yards long(Snout to tail mesasurement) All Kaidani carry around some sort of stone that is roughly the size of an average human's palm and weighs as much as a large diamond. These stones are dubbed dragon stones and are the way that Kaidani are able to adopt a humanoid appearance.
Transformation: Through the power of the dragon stones and the mana in the area, Kaidani are able to "Shift" between dragonoid and humanoid forms.
Wre there significant organisations to be listed? Draconic;draconian;common Hidden throughout Arenthil
Somewhat secluded, but mirror humanoid civilization.
Out-of-character information
Fire Emblem Manakete

Kaidani are a subspeicies of True Dragons that have existed about half as long as the true dragons. They are lesser dragons descended from Norjalac's children. They make use of a powerful magical stone to seal away their draconic forms for a humanoid one in order to attempt a peaceful life in Arenthil. Most Kaidani have voiwed to protect all of Arenthil's creatures when the need for forces arrive. Taking up arms against fickle true dragons. If their hearts truly believe this, the result is the manifestation of a dragon stone.


Kaidians in their humanoid form have skin tones that vary from pale white to deep brown. Their hair and eye colors are more vibrant and varied in color and intensities to all colors of the spectrum. However, their eyes are typically a vibrant yellow, orange, green, red, or violet.A distinct way to tell if someone is Kaidani is by looking very closely at their pupils. Kaidani have slit pupils, and over time have been training to hide this feature out of fear.
Some can have pointed ears or rounded ears that have a slight curl on the upper part of it. They also have relatively smaller lobes.
Heights vary by size and age as well as who the descend from. Kaidani that descend from a larger known true dragon are going to be taller and stronger than one of a psuedodragon. Their clothing varies and shifts with them spiritually, so they aren't bare when transforming back into their humanoid form.

When the Kaidani release their true dragon form, they are capable of an elemental breath attack and gain an affinity for that element if that Kaidani chooses to persue magic. This incrreases their prowess, but not all Kaidians are able to harness that power.
Note:Their dragon forms vary from location as they learn to adapt to their chosen environment. When making a Kaidani, please specify the difference between your dragon and humanoid forms. The same or similar color scheme must be present in both.


The Kaidani tribes exist in the far reaches of forests, deserts, plains, and so forth. These tribes normally aren't governed as they have unspoken rules that most are aware of. Since most are always on the move, these tribes resemble other humanoid small towns or markets, temporary food and shelter to passerbys and adventurers alike for coin. Some Kaidani also provide their services and choose to attempt a life within human cities and towns.


Breath Attacks -> All Kaidani are able to breathe an element which differs between them.


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