Character Theme
Warcraft 3 - Orc
Warcraft 3 - Orc
Geskar Blightbrood
Geskar of Tribe Blightbrood. Does it fill you with fear? Make you shiver? No matter. He has a bow with a quiver of arrows to make you bleed from your intestines just in case you don't heed his name.
It isn't a name to be afraid of, admittedly. His family is a 'brood' anyhow, 'blight' is something to be frightened about, yet this here son isn't much under the sun of the desert and upon the bloodied earth.
He will become something, however. Captured, a prisoner, turned into a gladiator. Geskar will take his scimitar, his arakh, and slash and hack at backs and chests in the tournament, with or without your consent. Make sense? Doesn't matter. Come and get it, you cur!
A fuckugly Uruk if you were to ask him in a specific language, otherwise just assume his visage is typical for a Blue Orc's countenance, though his tusks are suspiciously absent in his character image.
Tall, muscular, more than your average orc, perhaps, with long grey hair more like wisps that dance in the wind, but this is not majestic. He has those lifeless grey eyes to eat you alive and, if you cross him, he might just eat you alive with that absentminded grin of his. Hi.
Tall, muscular, more than your average orc, perhaps, with long grey hair more like wisps that dance in the wind, but this is not majestic. He has those lifeless grey eyes to eat you alive and, if you cross him, he might just eat you alive with that absentminded grin of his. Hi.
Skills and Abilities
Combat: Bludgeon. Bleed. Crush into smithereens. Goodbye.
Ogre culture: Simplistic amid Kherkhanans. Need blade? Okay!
Big eater: Meat and mead? He'll eat the dwarf! Give him a feast!
Ogre culture: Simplistic amid Kherkhanans. Need blade? Okay!
Big eater: Meat and mead? He'll eat the dwarf! Give him a feast!
Geskar lives for fighting and eating, eating and fighting, in that order, so shut up. Blood Knight trope? Nope. 'Cept he's 'blood' without the 'knight', aye. Big guy, and knows it, even amidst others of his kin, companions, allies in the pit, orcs or uruks or ogres or whozitwotzit, they're just meatbags when it comes down to it, aha.
Crouching moron, hidden badass, cuz he might speak like a simpleton (if not unbroken) with a boisterous appearance but he is a veteran of fightin' and no mistakin' it, ya dimwit.
Large ham? Tis a fact. Will eat a large ham and will be a large ham when it comes to his act. He is a gladiator. He is also an actor. He thrives on the fight as much as the audience's attention. Strong-arm his opponent, gnaw on his arm. LET'S GET IT ON.
Crouching moron, hidden badass, cuz he might speak like a simpleton (if not unbroken) with a boisterous appearance but he is a veteran of fightin' and no mistakin' it, ya dimwit.
Large ham? Tis a fact. Will eat a large ham and will be a large ham when it comes to his act. He is a gladiator. He is also an actor. He thrives on the fight as much as the audience's attention. Strong-arm his opponent, gnaw on his arm. LET'S GET IT ON.
Biography & Lore
Born in Kherkhana. His family is Tribe Blightbrood. They aren't much to write home about. Geskar is a born warrior but something happened that had landed him to the bondage of a gladiator. Some might have pissed themselves at this forced offer. For him? He relished it. Getting paid and praised to maim and murder his enemies in public? Bring it.
It doesn't matter if it's this city or that one, a small village or the capital of some continent. Geskar is happy to work his way up from bottom to top, top to bottom, loud and proud, though is hardly renowned. Perhaps that will change as he goes by his days taking the blade to those who oppose his name? Or some such poetic nonsense.
It doesn't matter if it's this city or that one, a small village or the capital of some continent. Geskar is happy to work his way up from bottom to top, top to bottom, loud and proud, though is hardly renowned. Perhaps that will change as he goes by his days taking the blade to those who oppose his name? Or some such poetic nonsense.
Threads:- A Fresh Hell [ACTIVE]