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  2. Fjallsormr
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Basic Information
Serpents of Lykio, Lykio's Children, Said to have originated in the Blightlands many thousand years ago, but fled East and West as raiders came and the Conjurer cursed the once fertile fields. Determined by diet and lifestyle, anywhere from 20 to 200+ years. Largely carnivorous, with forages plants as supplements. No known or claimed subspecies.
Physical description
Females 8'6"(259cm)-11'(340cm), Males 7'(213cm)-9'6"(290cm), Intersex 7'-11', head to tailtip. Long snake bodies from the hips down, ear frills, fang-like teeth, scale patches on humanoid upper body and clawed hands.
Crobhear Nest-Guard, Eretejva Nest-Guard, Beorveiði (Bearhunters.) Sormurar Tunga (Serpents' Tongue,) Common and Nordenfiir Tunga for diplomats. A cavernous nest in the snowy peaks near the Crobhear Stone, a nest in a cave in Eretejva Tundra equidistant between the Blood Lake and the Eretejva Stone, there may be more.
Out-of-character information
To Be Found

Fjallsormr, plural Fjallsormra, are a species of half-snake people said to be the children of their Alpater Lykio, and the Great Serpents from many ages past.


Half-Humanoid, half-Serpent, the Fjallsormra come in many colours, typically but not always related to the family from which they come. Pale orange and black, tan-green and brown, and yellow and dark green are some of the common colour combinations, alongside orange, tan, yellow, brown, and pale green eyes, but any natural, non-exotic snake colourations can be found with great regularity.

Exotic colourations are rare, as are eyes that remain blue after shedding skin. For this reason, blue eyes among Fjallsormra are considered a sign of a deeper connection to magic. Several, but certainly not all clan Witches have blue eyes, for it is not a requirement to have a certain appearance to be a good Witch.

From the hips up, the tail scales blend seamlessly into mostly hairless, colour- and pattern-matched skin, save for some with light chest and forearm hair. Some scales present on parts of the torso, such as the shoulders and hands. Their faces are a blend of Humanoid and Serpentine, with a tendency for flatter noses. Some scales follow along the brows and cheekbones, and their pupils are slitted. Some few are capable of growing light beards, and most can grow head hair, kept long and braided back. Their external ears present as frills. Their teeth are largely Humanoid, save for four fang-like teeth that can be drawn back or flexed forwards at will.

Most clad themselves in dyed tunics with simple, yet beautiful trimmings while within the nests, and heavily shroud themselves in many layers of thick, hair-on leather robings outside. They have skillfully fashioned hide tubes with the fur facing inside in which their long tails fit, equipped with pockets and pouches for heated stones and sheets of metal to keep warm in frigid, windswept mountain conditions. Jewelry is simple and skillfully made.


On the Crobhear side, they are mainly found in the peaks around the Crobhear Stone where the nest cavesystem resides, and the nearby Crobhear Lake, though it isn't wholly unheard of to see hunting parties going after mountain bears in somewhat lower climes if the weather dictates it. Diplomatic and trading parties do travel to nearby settlements.

On the Eretejva side, they are mainly found in the region of the mountain that holds the nest cavesystem, equidistant between the Blood Lake and the Eretejva Stone, however well-equipped diplomatic and trading parties may form holdfasts between home and the two largest Nordenfiir settlements to ensure the health and warmth of the party.


Serpent's Strength
In part due to their nature, in part due to the exertions required to propel themselves along through thick snow in heavy gear, adult Fjallsormra possess a great bodily strength. Though they may be able to take down a single bear alone, it is a deeply dangerous task and one only done by exiles or desperate Fjallsormra. As such, they prefer to hunt in groups for assured safety.

Purple Blood
Neither fully of the Serpents, nor fully of the Humanoids, Fjallsormra have what is known as Iunkbloð, or "tepid blood." Thermoregulation isn't an impossible task, nor is it the easiest. All Fjallsormra that wish to go outside of the nest into the tundra for an extended length of time must put on heavy winter gear, which is almost always equipped with strategic pockets to hold fire-heated stones or sheets of metal. Some Fjallsormra, especially rescue parties, carry backup stones with one-use flame runes for emergencies. Iunkbloð's biggest strength is the weak self-regulated heat they produce, which can be a lifesaver for a stranded Fjallsormr.

Heat Signature
Most Fjallsormra have temperature pits, which can be mistaken for beauty marks or cheek dimples. While they come in handy for hunting, and are indispensable during a rescue, their most frequent uses tend towards the mundane, such as self- and family temperature checking, "seeing" the heat of cooking pots and fires, forges, the temperatures of the several underground springs found in their nests, and to tell if their hunting stones are the proper temperature to hold heat while preventing burns. The range is anywhere from 15 feet (6m) to 50 feet (15m) depending on age, skill, and other genetic factors. Most lean towards the lower end of the range.

Not Our Cousins
If asked about the Serpents from Nagai, none will claim relation to them, not even partial relation, for that is not how the history goes. They genuinely are not related to the Serpents from Nagai, aside from the physical resemblance of a Serpent's lower half.


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