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  2. Ashtan Catecus
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[var]ashtan catecus[/var]

Biographical information
Thelios 32 Mobile
Physical description
Athallian Male 6'0 Built Brown Blue Fair
Political information
Mercenary, Sailor
Out-of-character information
Alan 9-18-24 Gladiator Movie


Ashtan stands tall at six feet, with a sculpted physique honed from years of rigorous training and hard labor. His skin is sun-kissed bronze from countless days under the harsh sun, and his piercing blue eyes seem to cut through any deception. His close-cropped hair is a dark brown, neatly styled and kept. His broad shoulders are often adorned with a simple leather cuirass, and his forearms are marked by vambraces typical of the lands of Thelios.

Skills and Abilities

Experienced Sailor:

Navigating the seas and sea-faring vessels as his primary residence and occupation, Ashtan is well versed in sea travel, trade routes, and handling of ships, and many crew duties and can fulfill most roles on a ship.


Ashtan, like most people of Thelios, is a trained soldier- and through his travels fighting pirates, thieves, and living a hard life, adapted well to the role of a mercenary. For the past 12 years, he has shifted between professions, sometimes a sea-faring shiphand, and other times, being employed as a mercenary.


Ashtan is a stoic individual, with a strong moral compass that often guides his actions. Despite his intimidating exterior, he is known for his fairness and compassion, often extending a helping hand to those in need. He is a man of few words, but when he speaks, his voice resonates with authority and sincerity. In combat, he is calculated and precise, using his legendary Athallian discipline to outsmart and outmaneuver his opponents.

Off the battlefield, he can be surprisingly warm, sharing tales of his adventures and offering guidance to those seeking wisdom. His loyalty to his comrades is unshakeable, and goes above and beyond in battle to ensure their survival.

Biography & Lore

Raised in the warrior city of Thelios, Ashtan grew up in a culture that revered strength, strategy, and self-discipline. Impoverished at a young age, he was taken in by a renowned sailing company called the Red Sails. Under their tutelage, he mastered various combat styles and tactics and the art of seafaring, quickly becoming one of their most valued assets. His life has been a tapestry of battles and alliances, fighting for the highest bidder, but never compromising his core beliefs of duty, honor, and discipline.

Despite being a mercenary, Ashtan does not participate in the sacking of cities, or similar actions. Ashtan only fights against other warriors, and does not pillage or the like. He is vicious in combat, but not without mercy.
