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Biographical information
Bayou Garramarisma 24 The Icarus
Physical description
Human Female 1.72m Slight Red Almond Olive
Political information
Out-of-character information
Kasim Areth Tien Can

Born in a tiny village nestled within the Bayou Garramarisma, Sabine is an incredibly intelligent, vindictive, and fiery young woman.

Raised in a part of the world that nobody has ever given a shit about and brought up by parents who cared even less. Sabine developed a self-centered nature about herself, always ensuring that her wants and needs came first with only rare exceptions.

She has seen few people in her life as worthy of trust, and fewer still as those she would sacrifice something for.

Despite this, Sabine is not entirely without a heart. The tiny muscle having developed mostly thanks to her younger brother Mako. A mute child and even more abused by those in their surroundings, Sabine took it upon herself to ensure her brother had at least an ounce of love.

This bond was a close one, with Sabine having created a form of sign language to better communicate with her sibling. One that she ultimately used to encourage him to leave the Bayou and join a group of pirates. A piece of advice that she eventually took herself.

Without her brother to look out for, and knowing that the Bayou was a waste of ones life Sabine hopped on the first ship out of her old life.

Over the next few years the young girl quickly proved herself to be incredibly intelligent. Becoming an excellent boatswain, though always hating the title. She hopped from crew to crew, always taking better jobs when they presented themselves.

This was eventually how she was harangued into working with the Crew of the Icarus.

Her now Captain, desperately in need of someone who might actually be able to help him fix his ship plucked young Sabine from the crew of a sometime rival. Offering her an experience like no other, the Captain took Sabine from the seas and brought her into the sky.

Skills and Abilities

Just like her brother Sabine has inherited a spell of Bad Luck. Unlike Mako, the young woman is completely aware of her abilities. She discovered them early on in her youth during a fight with a much larger boy. Noting the small spark of purple that ran under his foot when she cursed him.

The boy tumbled down off the docks, falling into the marshes in a panic.

Struck with wonderment, Sabine spent years honing and practicing her abilities. Though by no means perfect or even 'trained' like Dreadlords or students of Elbion, Sabine is quite effectively able to use her magic when she wants it. A snap of the finger and intent is all she needs.

Those around her whom she focuses on are simply hit with spells of 'bad luck'. It is never a direct effect, but simply something that happens. A man swinging his sword could slip and lose his footing, a wizard casting his spell could fidget a bit too much and lose his focus, an archer might find that the string of his bow snaps.

Of course, like any magic there is a cost to her abilities, and luck often finds a way of coming around.
