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Rupaka Printable version

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Biographical information
Illun Serath old enough to feel old Astenvale Monastery
Physical description
Moon Elf Male average medium brown blue light
Political information
Sworn of the Knights of Anathaeum
Out-of-character information
Toska 2024/07/19 joo design

On paper: knight, mage, artisan.


Of average height and sporting an aged beard, Rupaka's features boast a prominent nose and long, drooping ears pierced with a number of intricate rings and studs. His shoulders are broad from recent trainings with his overall build suggesting his former occupation as a paper crafter; indeed, calloused hands, forearms as thick as the bark he churns into pulp, and almost delicate fingers from yearlong use of precision tools.

Skills and Abilities

  • Combat - unarmed, swords, bows (trained)
  • Literacy - Common (adept)
  • Knowledge - geography, history, theatre (adept)
  • Pursuit - loch and death (talented)
  • Papercraft - creation, use (master)
  • Pursuit - loch and death (talented)
  • Speechcraft - bluff, deceit, diplomacy, intimidation (passable)
  • Survival - herblore, hunting, tracking (adept)
  • Utility - riding, cartography, sleight of hand, stealth (talented)
    etc. to varying extents

The Paper Mage - a learned spellcrafter, Rupaka uses the paper he so lovingly crafts as a medium for the magicks of the Loch. Minor illusions, the conjuration of water, the transmutation of wood to pulp to ease in the making of the very papers he uses. He boasts a panoply of small spells, each channeled through a runic scrawl of pen to paper.

To Prune the Blight - where a rotted tree might falter and be rendered useless in his craft, Rupaka pursued the magicks of Death in pruning these bits so that some small core of the material may be used. In this, he found a certasin satisfaction in cleansing Blight, in sanctifying life as it lays about the Wyld.


Soft smiles and airy speech often accompany the aging knight, and he carries himself much the same as he delivers his humors: slow, staccato, measured of manner.

Biography & Lore

Raised an artisan paper maker in the city of Illun Serath, Rupaka dedicated the greater part of his youth to his craft. The art of it, the joy of utilizing the product and seeing others put it to use were traits he honed. Meticulously, diligently, through the passings of untold seasons, he plied this trade. Through ritual magic, he grew near the Loch, approached the precipice of the Kingdom of Mud. These tools, milled and ground by the slip of time, nurtured his curiosity, and curiosity led him from his simple life.

Traveling to Astenvale in the wake of a storm that had ripped through the town's supplies (originally a delegation to the outer settlements in the Valen), he grew fond of the locale. He took to visiting the monastery, particularly favoring the library and the brilliant use with which they put their paper. After deciding to winter there to further his pursuits of knowledge, sharing his craft with a number of the more friendly knights. Finding them to be quite talented conversationalists, he was convinced that his pursuit of knowledge and the careful preservation of his craft was not so different from their knightly Pursuits.

With such familiarity to the Loch, he squired himself and, upon sufficient study, swore to the Twice-Lit Flame. In the intervening years, he quenched his thirst on the Pursuit of Death.
