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Rhumba Sneks Printable version

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Rhumba Sneks

Biographical information
The Empire 26 The Empire
Physical description
Naga/Human Hybrid Male 7'2" Black Yellow Gray/White
Political information
Out-of-character information
Pavlova Va

Rhumba is the current spymaster of the Council of the Hidden Sands. Despite his young age, he enjoys a certain control over the snakes of the desert. In fact, there are numerous, more intelligent snakes that answer directly to him. He has managed to secure small, almost unnoticeable snakes in every prominent household and business within the Empire. Nothing happens without him soon being aware of it.


One could say that he was attractive. If they managed to miss the additional 11 feet of snake from the waist down. His human-like skin is a coal gray shade that goes remarkably well with gold. His eyes are a solid yellow with slitted pupils. Take care not to stare at them for too long. Those who have are said to go half-mad with what they see there. His scales are a gleaming white. He takes excellent care of his appearance, particularly that of his scales.



Skills and Abilities


Rhumba is a master of the same magic that brought about his creation. Learning quickly from his creators notes and research materials Rhumba has learned how to magically alter the biology and ability of his snakes. He is capable of giving them longer lives, increased intelligence, size augmentations, and many other things. The cost? Why the lifeblood of the unfortunate, of course.

Snake speak

Rhumba is more than capable of speaking to and understanding his more intelligent creations. He uses them as the primary force of his expansive spy network. No one on the council actually knows how many snakes he has. Nor do they know where exactly they are.


Rhumba is vain in his appearance, often spending entirely too long grooming himself and cleaning his scales. While his colleagues find this annoying, he does get results. The main reason for this is that the man is an incorrigible gossip. He loves to hear the next bit of juicy gossip, and to share it with whoever is willing to listen.

Besides this, Rhumba holds little regard for the lives of others. He is an artificial creation and as such he is a flawed creation. Rhumba lacks any ability for true empathy, though he has grown quite adept at faking it.

Biography & Lore

Rhumba was created by a half-mad wizard. The man had conducted numerous experiments on a wide variety of snake species and at some point became obsessed with the idea of a snake/human hybrid. However, nothing he did could get the results he wanted. The man was trying to flaunt a lesser known rule in magic. You cannot change the traits of a thing too far from what it would have originally have been. Fire cannot be ice for example. Or vice versa. It simply cannot be done.

And so the mad wizard failed. And failed. And failed.

But then he got a hold of a Naga, and his research surged forward. He made new discoveries and more advanced creations with every Naga he managed to have brought to him. There are an uncountable number of failed experiment and grotesquely mutilated corpses of man, woman, child, and Naga across the desert's sands. Eventually, though, the wizard succeeded.

But magic has a price. And when it succeeded, magic took what it was owed. The wizard died, having never seen the final fruits of his labor. Instead, what was left was the surrogate mother impregnated with an abomination. Despite the wizard's passing, his runic magics assured the woman's continued slumber and survival. Until the creature's birth, that is. She survived it alright. She did not survive what came after.

You see, Naga, like snakes, devour their shells upon hatching. They require the nutrients within to properly grow and harden their scales. This little naga-thing had no shell. It still had the instincts though, and the runes did not hold.

It would shortly be after this event, while the abomination laid half-asleep, digesting, that it would be found. By the then and current master of the Council of Hidden Sands. The man took in the abomination. Raised him, and taught him. Eventually, he bestowed upon the abomination a name. A name the creature holds dear.
