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Rhugarol Printable version

This page has been seen 136 times.


Biographical information
Aeraesar Unknown Unknown
Physical description
Faikar Female 6'0 Black Red Grey
Political information
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Out-of-character information
Eren'thiel Xyrdithas

There is very little that is known about the creature who calls herself Rhugarol. Though she bears an unmistakable likeness to the creature known as Arkhivom, she claims to have once been an Aerai. Despite this claim, she has proven to be hostile and dangerous, wielding deadly skills.


Rhugarol's physique and stature does resemble that of an Aerai, and her facial features even do as well - to a degree. Her large cranial structure, and fanged mandibles could have only come from one known creature. These features however, though often hidden behind a customized mask, do appear to be... additional, grown over something existing. Her skin is a dark grey, with runic markings inscribed with ink all over her body.

Skills and Abilities

Rhugarol has displayed an ability to harness arcane lightning in much the same manner that Aerai sorcerers do. If her claims are correct, then it can be assumed she is familiar with and capable of many of the Aerai's magic.

Along with this, she has also displayed formidable swordsmanship, facing off against some of the Aerai's finest warriors.


Rhugarol lacks any sense of empathy, and is willing to use anything and anyone to achieve her aim. The only exception to this are of course her Faikar brethren, and the ones she serves, Arkhivom and Lina. She does not fully understand the meaning of her master's vendetta against the Aerai people, but she is completely committed to their destruction and will stop at nothing to see it done.

Despite the role of her kind as destroyers, creatures meant for this singular purpose, she is not confined to operating through violence alone. Rhugarol has a taste for psychological manipulation, and may even forego conflict altogether if given the right opportunity.

Among her peers she is playful, albeit a little harsh. She would not be a Faikar if she was not inclined toward dominance.

Biography & Lore
