A relatively accomplished Dreadlord in the service of House Piran. A sincere being with a weighted conscience among the cut throat politics of Vel Anir.
Raveus is a handsome young man with a chiseled face with small cuts and feign scars running across his face. He has a well structured face, with honest green eyes. Long, shaggy black hair hangs from his face in strands, sometimes held together with a hair clip when in battle.
Raveus general attire is that of noble young men. A formal military dress fitting of a Dreadlord of his service. A large fitted front wear decorated with various small colored ribbons and military bands of his previous accomplishments. On the sleeve of his left arm sits the Dreadlord insignia. The suit is often black mixed with purple. It has a high collar that covers his neck. While he relies on his magic more than his sword, a simple sword is carried by an ornate scabbard by his right hip.
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Raveus general attire is that of noble young men. A formal military dress fitting of a Dreadlord of his service. A large fitted front wear decorated with various small colored ribbons and military bands of his previous accomplishments. On the sleeve of his left arm sits the Dreadlord insignia. The suit is often black mixed with purple. It has a high collar that covers his neck. While he relies on his magic more than his sword, a simple sword is carried by an ornate scabbard by his right hip.
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Skills and Abilities
As a Dreadnight, Raveus is an expert in all sorts of combat. While he excels in hand to hand combat, sword play, archery, and simple magic, Raveus true skill lies in large explosions. Raveus is able to create explosions of elements with relative ease. There is no large charging build up, or a massive cool down when he casts, however the toll is quite great on his body. In response to repeated quick use blasting magic, Raveus is prone to faintness, drowsiness, temporary blindness, organ failure, and black outs.
Raveus is quite knowledgeable and academic. Using the skills he learned during his time training, Raveus is very strategic and slow and methodical.
Raveus is quite knowledgeable and academic. Using the skills he learned during his time training, Raveus is very strategic and slow and methodical.
Raveus is genuine to a fault. He holds honesty and respect at high esteem. Often kind and known to speak softly outside of battle, he is a comforting presence to those he calls friends. Raveus is a reliable companion for those that earn his friendship. Loyal, and giving, Raveus would work tirelessly to help those he calls friends. Calm, collected, and calculating are ways to describe Raveus under pressure. Raveus approaches problems with reason rather emotion. He is very competive with his sister, Milla. While the two bicker and fight constantly, they genuinely care for one another and form a good team.
From his job as a Dreadlord, Raveus has done many things he regrets, a problem he continues to struggle with to this day. While he distates in killing, back stabbing and lying, he will continue to do so for the Piran family. His love for the family is real, and a cause he would give his life for. While he dislikes the dirtier parts of being a Dreadlord, it is a profession he will continue to help better himself and those around him.
From his job as a Dreadlord, Raveus has done many things he regrets, a problem he continues to struggle with to this day. While he distates in killing, back stabbing and lying, he will continue to do so for the Piran family. His love for the family is real, and a cause he would give his life for. While he dislikes the dirtier parts of being a Dreadlord, it is a profession he will continue to help better himself and those around him.
Biography & Lore
Raveus and his twin sister were born in Vel Anir. After showing magical prowess, they were kidnapped and sent to the Dreadlord program with out ever knowing their family. After passing with high marks, the twins completed their training and decided to serve to House Piran and swore fealty. They found the conditions of life much more comfortable and work diligently as they handle multiple affairs of the Piran house.