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Rane Mauntell Printable version

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Rane Mauntell

Biographical information
Where was your character born 39 Astenvale Monastery
Physical description
Human Male 5' 5
Political information
Field Sworn Knight of Anathaeum
Out-of-character information
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A mass of streaking grey and white hair with eyes inverted to regular hue, white dots against black banks, Rane is a fellow clearly ravaged by years of troubled sleep and even more troubling encounters with magical matters. Potent yet not masterful of his gifts to matters of creations and realms of the mind, Rane avails himself to do his part for the good of others more than he does for himself. Be it warding and redirecting night terrors from troubled souls, resonating peace and clarity to those who meditate, diving into the subconscious of those plagued by ego maladies, guiding and navigating the oceans of memories so that they might be chartered and mastered, and of course, fending against the chaotic willful creations of minds unguarded into the physical realm, Rane acts to charter the spirit realm and mind matter correct. And, when the situation demands, his own host of cerebral creations can be brought to bear against foe in a chorus of Loch born combat.

Recent in service to the order of Anathaeum, he is softly spoken and provides paths of possibility and consoling council in matters mundane of mind and clarion calls of consciousness exotic. Rane is a fellow who seems perpetually calm about his own wit's ends, imprisoned and forestalled by his own efforts of balance and coping, instead gaining much animation in his efforts to help others with their travails in mind edification, navigation, and overall management and command.


Ashen grey skin, with aged hair as if he had been shocked by frequent visitation by apparition, Rane compliments his otherworldy marks of stressors with deep purple robes that do lovingly swathe about the field sworn, his armour concealed much by such draped garments. His armour most exposed is upon his arms, vambraces that overlap, purple in hue, and of chitinous origin that carries no sheen, yet has much depth to it's rich colour. A scepter is often clutched during ritual and arcane act performed, a rod with a amber gemstone upon it, with much frail ornamentation of strange withered root at grip's end, the rest a simple copper which channels much of mind, but can be used as baton to deflect and dissuade brute force. In moments of conjuration and channelling, a third eye of palest gold can be seen upon his forehead, that does reveal it's existence as the magic does play it's part in the mysteries, horrors and revelations of the domain of Loch.

Skills and Abilities

A potent sorcerer of the mind, with scholarly understanding of the power he does possess growing with each week in service to the knights of anathaeum, Rane is a man who has much innate power that has been endured, suffered and managed for much his life. He has found ways to help others through the surges of insight and washes of command over the melding magic of Loch's embrace both by trial and many errors, and the odd direction from more scholarly mage and school, with more firm instruction from the Knights of Anathaeum as an organisation. Such days of recklessly falling indulgent to the surges of mind magic that might cause alarm and harm to others are behind him, maturity of time's march bestowed to him, yet he is all too keenly aware that his command of such powers is as if he were redirecting a mighty river's course through proper landscaping of his own attitude, body and consciousness, instead of a gauntlet firm thrust out from a stony throne of thoughts.


Sympathetic to those who suffer without agency and influence in matters of Loch, yet keenly aware of the potential dangers of delving into those waters without proper respect and caution, Rane has suffered much and gained much wisdom for his pains. While some who face the wildness of themselves do forge themselves as iron, he has instead become flexible to the world and consciousnesses around him, with a core of willingness to listen to that which may first seem incomprehensible, alien and maddening. To Rane, the living condition is one of evolving and devolving states, and he finds himself compelled to act charitably and conscienciously to those who suffer their own mind palace under siege. A terrible wrath does live within him concerning those who recklessly crash about in sensitive matters of memories, streams of consciousness, and manifestations of the mind, he himself often cruelly disregarded for his sensitivities and powers, and as a result is eager to defend those who are coming to grips with their own nature.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
