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Raelys Printable version

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Biographical information
Elderglen 682 Forests of Elderglen
Physical description
Puca; Fae Female 6ft 3 Easily throwable White Blue Brown
Political information
Rebel; Ranger
Out-of-character information
Caliane Ruine

The Crimthann Revolt will never appear in the histories of the Day Court, though all whisper of it. I feel it is my duty as a puca to record it on their behalf for among our kind, they are whispered of as heroes.

Like all our kind the Crimthann served a royal family. In their case the illustrious Queens of the Day Court. For centuries, the Crimthann have swelled the ranks of the Day Queens armies, served as guards and as her spies in the other courts. Loyal into death itself for centuries upon centuries. Nobody knows the true reason for the revolt, even I who have spoken to a few of the firefoxes who fled the fabled halls of the Elderglen. Most, I believe, have chosen to stay in their ancestral homes and do the unimaginable - fight the very Queen they have sworn to serve.

Those that will speak whisper of cracks. Cracks that speak of death and ruin. Cracks that make their young have nightmares and their grandmothers curl up and die. They will speak nothing more despite my probing.

One must wonder; what evil lurks in the Court of Lies?

Skills and Abilities

Magick: Across Arethil are magical ley lines which Fae can tap into. These lines connect centres of magical power meaning that when in areas with a higher concentration of magic their abilities are stronger. Magick is borrowed by Fae from these lines and can be stored in their bodies to be used as well as be tapped into during times of need. As this is raw power it can often take many forms dependant on need, though they are governed by the same laws of magic as every other creature of Arethil - despite the myths.

The most manifestations of this magic include:
  • Glamours
  • Wards
  • Travel via ley line
  • Elemental magicks

Shapeshifting: Like all púca, Raelys can shakeshift into a variety of different animals and creatures from across Arethil, though as a member of the Crimthann tribe, her primary form is that of a red fox.

Firefox: The Crimthann tribe have a strong affinity for fire, having earned themselves the nickname Firefoxes by their enemies. This allows for Raelys to conjure and manipulate fire in its raw form in both her fae and animal forms.


Raelys is a part of the Crimthann Tribe and as such shares the same characteristics:

Court affiliation: Day Court
Animal Trait: Sharp canines
Unseelie/Seelie: Seelie
Celestial Alignment: Solar
Elemental Alignment: Fire & Earth
