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Quinn Greensage Printable version

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Quinn Greensage

Biographical information
Day Court Very early 400s Day Court
Physical description
Fae, Duanaan Male 5'10 120 lbs Black Left: Blue, Right: Red Fair
Political information
Out-of-character information
Quoril 5/5/22


Quinn is short for a Duannan, with messy black hair and a boyish face. Due to the Day Court's obsession with perfection, he masks his two differently colored eyes. They can appear blue or red depending on the day or his mood. Usually dresses in dark colored clothing.

Duanaan Affinity


Celestial Alignment


Elemental Alignment

-Water and Air

Animal Form

Black cat with one red, and one blue eye

Skills and Abilities

<List a few key skills your character has>


Polite, cordial, calm and slow to anger. Tends to go with the flow and rarely plans ahead of time, unless absolutely necessary.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
