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Ptah Printable version

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Biographical information
Deserts of Amol-Kalit Unknown Deserts of Amol-Kalit
Physical description
Sentient Jeweled Scarab Male 3'4"(1.01m) At peak of shell 4.5lbs(2kg) N/A Emerald Green Iridescent Cobalt Blue with Gold
Political information
Scarab Leader
Out-of-character information
Hollic 4/12/2020 Artstation


Ptah is a large Jeweled Scarab, easily standing out among his own kind. With a hardened shell, large wings, and ostentatious gold highlights against the green blue of their chitin shell. Their strange body is something from a holdover to the experiment that brought them into being. An eccentric entomologist began toying with breeding scarabs and blending similar bugs together.

The long limbs are deciduous, an adaptation from a long line of selectively bred crane flies that were melded with the entomologists selection of jeweled scarabs. The wings Ptah has are also a genetic holdover from the crane fly, needing significant lift and wingspan to fly with their atypical heavy form.

The color and style of Ptah's form comes from a life long obsession the entomologist had of making the perfect scarab. Of making what they coined as the king of scarabs. The gold gilding a magical physiological addition in the line long ago that function as an additional set of extrasensory nerves.

Skills and Abilities

King of the Scarabs - Ptah maintains a hierarchy with his lesser kin. Through use of blunt force and different scents, he is able to instruct or order his horde of jewel scarabs. The horde beneath Ptah is mindless in their orders, throwing their numbers against whatever the problem is.

Sentience - The experiment of a mage, which ultimately cost their life, the mage turned scarab now contains the soul of the wayward mage. This also comes with the knowledge of their magic, though severely limited now due to form. The subtle weaving of magic into the physiology of their jeweled scarabs however has brought about new forms of the scarabs worthy of note.


Ptah is a large bug, and while a human mind inhabits the form, the mindset of function over form has been slowly creeping over them. Concise, and lacking the humor for jokes, Ptah comes off as brusque or even rude needing the hand of someone else to censor or soften their words. Part of this comes from having to establish dominance over his scarab horde from rebellious upstarts to big for their shell.

Ptah believes the most sensible way to rule is by the whip; Having no qualms with squashing the more rebellious of it's horde to keep the others in line.

Biography & Lore

The scarab that is now Ptah, was once a sensational entomologist and mage. Their studies including the jeweled scarab along with other strange insects across the arid deserts of Amol-Kalit. A fascination of shows of strength with the more herculean cousin of the jeweled scarab beetle began the mage down the road that ultimately cost their lives to see through to success. After cultivating several colonies of certain insects, the process of selective breeding and magical alteration for many years began.

They became a recluse, shunning the world in the pursuit of the perfect scarab specimen able to lead other jeweled scarabs as a queen bee did. Years of failed starts, degenerative lines of breeding and several restarts finally brought about proper results, and ultimately cost their life to bring about the true king of the scarabs.

Ptah is the culmination of a life's work and dream by a magical entomologist. A lifetime of dedicated selective breeding, failures, retries, and magical augmentation.
