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Osbert Printable version

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Biographical information
Vel Stratholm 20 Syzemore
Physical description
Human Male 6'0" Kinda Brownish Emerald Yes
Political information
Liberated Dreadlord
Out-of-character information
Myrra 8/9/2022

"So, you train your whole damn life to become an agent of death. You were subjected, from the time you was a wee lad, to all manner of horrors. But now you're here. Graduation day.

I'm proud of you boy. Done the whole academy proud, truth be told. Now you get to prop your feet up and listen to nobles. Go out and kill a few elves then return home for a mighty feast and whores on House Banick's dime. Good choice by the way, Banick's got some mighty deep pockets!

Gods. We shouldn't really be talkin' like this but it just does me heart so proud to see you now. You made it! Should be nothin' but easy from here on out!"

~ Proctor Temur, slain in the revolution.


Strong and well muscled like the rest of the Anirians who were carted off to the academy when they were babes. He's got a few marks on his flesh from wounds suffered at the academy but otherwise he's an average looking human.

Skills and Abilities

Gifted with the blade and with any other number of cutting instruments such as knives, scythes, or axes. He was honed from birth to be a harbinger of death and always found pleasure in ending fights before they got too far out of hand.

His magical inclination is related to the control of oxygen. At most times he carries a small snapping piece of metal that he click to produce a spark, and using his oxygen magic, a flame which can be precisely controlled and directed towards targets.

More directly his magic can be used to limit the amount of oxygen in an area to suffocate foes. He can even increase the oxygen to create euphoric effects on his targets or potentially create a flame-rich environment if working with or against pyromancers.


Sarcastic and a bit of know-it-all. Osbert doesn't really like taking orders nor does he like obeying rules. It made him a great candidate for joining the other Lost Children of Vel Anir.

Biography & Lore

Upon joining the academy Osbert proved his worth rather quickly. He was instructed to kill another student when he was only seven and he obeyed without crying or complaint. In time he came close to Proctor Temur and began to view the proctor as a second father of sorts.

After undergoing the harsh realities of the academy he found himself graduating as a Second Level Dreadlord pledged to work with House Banick. He came to love his life of splendor sipping on fancy wines and dining on succulent pork inbetween the missions he found rather routine compared to academy life. This short lived vacation came to a screeching halt once the revolution of Vel Anir began.

In a matter of weeks his House had sued for peace with the revolutionaries, Proctor Temur died defending a nation that no longer existed, and Osbert was being asked to live out the rest of his life eating military rations and sleeping on the dirt. The nation that had stolen his entire life was now offering him the choice of more misery or exile.

He chose exile. But not before convincing several of his disenfranchised Dreadlord acquaintances to jump ship with him. They made their way to Syzemore, a city on the coast south of Alliria, and planned to live a life of luxury with or without the aid of the so-called "Noble Houses."
