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Ogla Crocorith Printable version

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Name: Ogla Grimoire Crocorith
Species: Human
Age: Sixteen
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 116 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Honey
Skin: Tan
Occupation: Messenger
Place of Birth: Unknown
Affiliation: None
Home: Elbion

Ogla is built like an average teenager but more muscular and fit. Her hair is chopped unevenly and usually pulled in a ponytail. Her face and body is a little babyish as in it's easy to tell she's young. She has tanned skin, excluding her face, is scattered with scars here and there. She usually wears green, black, brown, or purple clothing. Her favorite piece if her forest green poncho that she wears all the time, it has a hood in the back. During secretive situations she wears her black bandana on her mouth. Her face is usually set in a scowl, glare, or just a little menacing, but her tone is neutral. She walks in long strides and quietly, taking sure steps.

Skills and Abilities

Class: Ranger

Skills: Marksmanship, Athletics, Hiding, Coordination, Riding, Endurance, Stamina, Navigation, Streetwise, Survival, Tracking, Blademaster

Martial Arts: Aikido, Ninjutsu, Kung Fu

Weapons: Double Blades, Throwing Knives, Silver Dagger, Bo Staff

Strengths: Responsibility, Self-Control, Persistence, Dependability
Weaknesses: Unforgiving, Pessimism, Ruthless, Insensitive

STR: 16
DEX: 18
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 13
CHA: 16

Zofiac: Capricorn

Ogla is a strong-willed and stubborn girl. She doesn't let people phase her and she sticks to her own principles. She's a thorough thinker and very introspective. Sometimes she can be very judgemental of others, especially if they're prone to making mistakes she wouldn't. Dauntless and having a thirst for the thrills, Ogla likes to take big risks, even when the odds are totally against her, just for the adrenaline rush.

Biography & Lore
Ogla lost both of her parents close to her birth and was raised by a mysterious man only known to her as Uncle Thom. Having no idea of her background or history, Ogla wants to make her own mark in the world by being the best she can be, even if no one else is with her.


To Be Written