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Nyros Printable version

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Biographical information
The Endless City One Eighty Six Nomad
Physical description
El'eth Surrah Male 1.98m Slight White White Gray
Political information
Out-of-character information
Kasim Areth Tor'alge

Nyros was born in the Endless City.

One of the youngest El'eth, his arrival within his family was heralded with great rejoice and fanfare. A fact which quickly turned on itself as the boy began to grow up.

From a young age Nyros proved himself to be incredibly capable, powerful, and utterly defiant. Constantly bucking tradition, Nyros spent most of his early years getting into trouble. He would abuse his powers, attempt to usurp those of a higher status, and once even attempted the murder of a priest.

These crimes of course lead to Nyros being sent away from the Endless City. Thrown into the dark hall of Va'Nassad, Nyros' 'will' was eventually broken.

A decade toiling within the abyssal prison was apparently enough, and eventually Nyros was returned to the Endless city. There he became an apparent new man.

On the surface the young Drow pretended to follow his parents guidance. He took up his studies, became a master of the ancient weapons of his people, and even began to ingratiate himself within the priesthood. For decades he toiled away as many of his kin did, until finally he fell into the position he had desired.

Upon his induction to the Priesthood, the very leadership of his home, Nyros enacted his true desires.

From the hallowed halls of his people, the deepest vaults the young Drow plucked The Heart of Leth. An artifact so ancient and old that many living El'eth were unaware of it's purpose. With reckless abandon, knowing or not, Nyros tore out his own heart, and replaced it with that of Leth.

It was pain, abject horror and torture that broke through his body as the artifact took hold. Within minutes Nyros was no longer himself, but instead a standing aberration of his people.

Disgusted, and yet too cowardly to kill him; the Priesthood banished Nyros from the Endless city.

Not yet fully in control of the plague that now sat upon his person, Nyros knew that he would not survive the depths of the Underrealm. Those he chose the surface, deciding that it would be better to walk into the overbright until he fully came to understand what he had done to himself.
