Nieven Ermaya
"Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy."
"Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy."
Third son but first when it comes to disappointing his father, Nieven's reputation among his peers is divisive to say the least. Having little magical aptitude when he hailed from a clan that prided itself on developing powerful mages was bound to end poorly. The scion instead focused his talents toward alchemy, more specifically the development of poisons. Nieven still possess a deep connection to the forest despite the scorn he receives from those around him. Thus the establishment of the Poison Corps is his way of protecting Falwood regardless of what others may think.
Nieven possesses many of the characteristics that one would expect of a High-Elf. The only exception is that he generally keeps most of his ethereal features hidden. This is due to the occupational hazard of constantly working with poisons. Many rumors have stated that he is horribly disfigured due to his experiments but that is often proven false. The scion favors his bow but tends to have a number of smaller blades on his person. He also noticeably has a mini-bandoleer(shoutout to Osuin) containing vials of poisons.
Skills and Abilities
Bow & Arrow - The bread and butter of any true defender of Falwood. Nieven has spent decades honing his archery through practice and actual combat. Truthfully, he is not nearly as good as his peers despite having a similar amount of experience. This is in large part due to the fact that he utilizes poisoned arrows and merely focuses on hitting his target as opposed to ensuring a lethal shot. He should still not be mistaken as a poor marksman.
Widowmaker - Nieven's true talent lies in his ability to identify, create, and apply poisons. There are few within the Seven Clans who can match his skill in this area. He has used his concoctions to great effect, especially in defense of his homeland. His aptitude has earned him an equal measure of fear, scorn, and respect.
Guerilla Tactics - Applying both his skill with poisons and knowledge of the forest, Nieven has proven to be a significant nuisance to Falwood's invaders. The scion and his unit is known for utilizing poison traps among a host of other tricks. He is generally lacking in terms of larger-scale strategy and combat.
Widowmaker - Nieven's true talent lies in his ability to identify, create, and apply poisons. There are few within the Seven Clans who can match his skill in this area. He has used his concoctions to great effect, especially in defense of his homeland. His aptitude has earned him an equal measure of fear, scorn, and respect.
Guerilla Tactics - Applying both his skill with poisons and knowledge of the forest, Nieven has proven to be a significant nuisance to Falwood's invaders. The scion and his unit is known for utilizing poison traps among a host of other tricks. He is generally lacking in terms of larger-scale strategy and combat.
Nieven's divisive reputation makes one assume that he is difficult person to get along with but that is usually not from the case. While it is true that he can be rather terse, that is more of a result of his interactions within his clan rather than an aversion to speaking. There are many that find him not only amenable but as a stalwart comrade. The truth of this can be seen in those who have volunteered to join his recently established Poison Corps.
Protect the forest and its inhabitants at all costs, that creed rests at the core of Nieven's person. It is not only due to his natural connection to Falwood but also due to those he's lost to invasions. There are those who dismiss his efforts as an act of a coward but the scion has never paid them any heed. His kin who seek his assistance will find him more than happy to lend a hand.