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Mo'gosh Stormson Printable version

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Mo'gosh Stormson

Biographical information
A now abandoned village deep in The Spine 21 Nomad, travels regularly through The Spine
Physical description
Pureblood Orc Male 6'7 Big boi Black, cut into a mohawk Blue Yellowish Green, covered in tribal tattoos
Political information
Seasoned Stormcaller, Apprentice Shaman
Out-of-character information
Revanchent 7/23/2020


Neither huge nor small for an Orc, Mo'gosh is about as average at they come. That being said, average for a male Orc is still monstrous compared to most of the other races. His body is naught but a mass of green skin stretched thinly over knotted muscle and bone. Black tattoos adorn his visage, and his face is kept clean of hair so that such tattoos are not obscured.

In terms of clothing, Mo'gosh is most often seen in the black coat of his tribe. Rather than the normal tribal adornments most Orcs wear, the shaman of his tribe adopted long black coats similar to the clothing of elven mages as a means of guarding themselves from the elements, and marking themselves out from those untouched by the storm. It's not uncommon to see the massive green skin meandering through the wood with his cowl drawn over his face, and his appearance has sparked several tales in Dwarven villages in the Spine about a ghostly specter stalking the lands. His affinity to call upon the power of the storm itself has only given credence to this legend.

Skills and Abilities

Stormcaller: Mo'gosh has spent his entire life learning the path of the Shaman, and his heart lies particularly in the specialization of the Stormcaller. To control the power of the storm is to control the very essence of nature's power, and power has ever been Mo'gosh's greatest love. Twice in his life, Mo'gosh has summoned the storm in its primal form: once as a blizzard, and once as a thunderstorm. Whilst doing so is difficult, his communion with snow and lightning makes him a formidable foe.

Hunter: Living on his own for several years, Mo'gosh has mastered the art of self-reliance. He can track and kill game as well as any Orc ever could, and has the skills necessary to utilize those kills to the fullest.

Brawler: Before Mo'gosh ever summoned a drop of rain, he was fighting. The runt of his litter, and considered far too concerned with matter of the immaterial by his parents, Mo'gosh was a subject of resentment for his family. since his earliest days, he has fought his siblings for food, for toys, and to simply get them to stop tormenting him. As a result, he can throw fists with the best of them.

Sharp Mind: Mo'gosh is smarter than most. His intellect has always been his greatest weapon when savagery was not enough. He values intelligence and learning more than most Orcs, and sees it as a tool to forge a greater destiny for the Orcish people as a whole.


Both curious and dismissive, Mo'gosh is a bit too complex for many Orcs. He holds strong to the traditions of his people, and has a deep love for his heritage, but is also open-minded about changes that might bring greater prosperity and success.

He varies from silent to overly talkative depending on his mood, but his gallows humor and the intense way with which he views the world is unchanging. He carries a deep well of fury that has stayed with him since childhood, and while he is quite capable of controlling his emotions, it's very difficult to reign him in once he's flown off the handle.

More compassionate than most, Mo'gosh's kindness is offset by his checkered sense of morality and his keenness for brutality. He will aid those in need regardless of race if they truly need it, but he will see no qualms with robbing a human trader that seems to be doing well for himself. His ideology is that of the natural order: the strong thrive, the weak suffer. That being said, rather than lord over those he considers weak, Mo'gosh will try to create opportunities for them to strengthen themselves. He is a firm believer in self-determination and self-improvement, and tends to hold those values above all others.

Biography & Lore

The Rockwalkers were an odd tribe of Orcs. They called the harshest regions of The Spine home, and believed that living in such places forged them to be the greatest Orcs to ever walk the face of Arethil. The tribe was led by a handful of shaman, all of whom were considered outcasts by others that walked their path, for the Rockwalkers studied magics of a darker nature to better tame the elements.

The males were stout and warlike, the females similarly barbarous, and the shaman initiates held high above them in terms of importance. Mo'gosh was one of those initiates.

Born to a warrior whose lineage could be traced back to the first Stormcallers, it was with a great and honor and a subject of disdain that Mo'gosh carried the gift. His father was renowned throughout the surrounding tribes for his savagery in combat, though he'd only gained such a reputation by renouncing his connection to the elements and the storm in favor of a more martial existence. Mo'gosh was born to him on the eve of a battle with another Orcish clan that dared to usurp the Rockwalkers' position as lords of their land, and was carried on the back of his mother into the fires of war.

By the will of the gods and nature herself, the babe his mother survived the brief and bloody conflict. The child's gifts were noticed immediately by the shaman of the Rockwalkers, and the moment he learned to walk, he was taken in for training.

The first of his sons, Mog'osh's father was deeply displeased that his heir was to be a magician and not a true warrior. He reminded the boy of this disdain every day of his life, and when the child's siblings were born and raised as true Orcish warriors, they too joined in the humiliation. Even his mother, the third of his father's wives, had little understanding for the young shaman, and chose to maintain a healthy distance lest she become attached to such a weak creature.

His parents distaste molded in Mog'osh a need to succeed, to prove himself. Each day, he strove to become the greatest shaman the Rockwalkers would ever know. He felt he found that path when the voice of the storm came to him, whispering promises of power and retribution when he was alone. After speaking with his teacher, Mog'osh opted to walk the path of a Stormcaller, and son found he had a natural talent for it.

On the eve of his twentieth birthday, the enemies of the Rockwalkers attacked. Several Orcish tribes, a band of human mercenaries, and Dwarves that had been previously raided had forged a coalition against his people to put a stop to their raids. Like all the others, Mog'osh fought. He drew his first Orcish blood at the edge of an axe, and seared his first human from its body with a font of lightning that erupted from his fingertips.

Talented as he was, Mo'gosh could not stop the tide of bodies, and his clan was sorely outnumbered. Every male, female, and child was either slaughtered or enslaved, and at the behest of his teachers, Mog'osh fled. He traveled as far as his legs could carry him, and collapsed in the snow drifts.

It was only the will of the spirits that kept him from freezing to death. When he awoke, he returned to his village, and was greeted by dozens of bodies and the charred remnants of its buildings. Left with no path forward, and no teachers to guide him, Mog'osh scavenged what he could and strode off into the wilderness. Only the gods knew what awaited him.
