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Meredith Printable version

This page has been seen 753 times.


Biographical information
Vel Anir 17 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Female 5"7' Petite Red Blue Fair
Political information
Dreadlord Apprentice
Out-of-character information
Snowstorm 11/28/21 Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)

Meredith is a weapon. A weapon to be used and exploited. She is well trained and vicious, but is that all there is for her out there?


<Briefly describe what your character looks like>

Skills and Abilities

<List a few key skills your character has>


<What is your character's personality like?>

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
