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Malak Osaria Printable version

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Name: Malak Osaria
Species: Avariel
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 226 lbs
Hair: Silvered
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: The Spine
Affiliation: Unaffilaited
Home: Adventerur

(Feel free to elaborate on your character’s appearance here.)

Skills and Abilities
(Everyone in is good at something. What are your character's major skills? Are they capable of manipulating Magic? What Traits does your character have? Are they held back in any way due to their origin? This may include racial traits and flaws.)

(What is your character's personality? Are they mean? Charismatic? Rude? Do they have any quirks?)

Biography & Lore
(What is your character's background? It can be as rich or as mysterious as you want it to be.)

(link your roleplays here when you start writing)