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Mae, the immortalized cultivator Printable version

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Maelyne Cromwell

Biographical information
Obelus, the Charnel City on the isle Phorasmos ??? A house in Elbion
Physical description
Human Female 5,6 ft (172cm) Slim White/Black Blue/Light Green A light salmon hue
Political information
Alchemic Cultivator
Out-of-character information
Mae (maelyne2000) 7/3/2024

Maelyne was often looked upon as a monster because of her strange use of magic and interrest for adventure. This treatment caused her to be one of the few people to leave Phorasmos before it fell into ruin, she has been traveling through the lands of Arethil ever since. Because of this she was given the nickname: Mae, The immortalized cultivator


Depending on her mood, where she goes and what she does Mae can present herself in different appearances, though usually she's seen in a white dress.


When going around outside in a city or village Mae usually takes the form of a child wearing a white dress with a black and blue overcoat covering it for the most part.


When she has to go to a official occasion such as meeting royalty or anything of the sort she wears a white dress lined with gold and a golden hair ornament.


If there's ever a need for her to fight she usually wears a white dress that opens up around the legs making it easier for her to move, using two short swords to cut down her enemies if it comes down to close combat.


If she needs to disguise herself she takes the form of a girl with black hair and light green eyes wearing a black robe lined with gold. When needing to fight in this form she takes off the overcoat to turn her casual black and golden robe into a more easy to move in robe.

Skills and Abilities


Icycle Crash: By freezing the moisture in the air she forms spears of hardened ice capable of even splitting/breaking giant boulders.

This move has quite a destructive power and doesn't take that much of her "Qi" however it takes quite a while to execute and if the icycles are struck from the side hard enough they will break and dissapear.

Frozen Thundra: By freezing the surrounding area an attempt is made to slow down enemy movement and to drain their strength faster by making it more difficult for them to breathe because of the cold.

This move is very draining on her "Qi" as she needs to maintain the area off effect from Frozen Thundra. Mae can't freely move about while using it, but if this move properly works on her enemy it will almost guarantee a hit from her Icycle Crash.
If an enemy can force her to move she will have to release her control of Frozen Thundra and the area will gradually return to normal.

Runic scrolls: Using scrolls inscribed with runes Mae is able to use other elements such as fire, wind, earth and wood, she's also able to use these scrolls to set up a protective barrier in a short time.

Mae carries a assortment of scrolls on her at all times. The use of scrolls is well known to cultivators, they're very useful and can save one's life in some situations. The downside of this is that they're not very powerful, more than often the effect of these scrolls can be brushed aside. Mae is able to infuse the scrolls with her "Qi" to increase their efficiency, but she can not draw up new scrolls during a fight.


Alchemic enligthenment: Through her never ending greed for knowledge Mae learned how to alchemise pills which can help her heal her wounds and cure toxins.

This is usually something Mae does during her free time, this requires stillness, time and of course her "Qi" she can't do this during a fight and it requires the natural resources found around the world to do.

Qi condensation: By taking in the surrounding magic molecules in the air into her abdomen (Dantian) through meditation Mae is able to restore the Qi she has lost.

Though this means she basically has a infinite amount of Qi available to her, she can only do this while sitting still. This makes her vulnerable to sneak attacks were people to get close enough.


Mae is your every day calm and collected person, she shows a cheerful smile and is able to hold a conversation pretty well if the situation asks for it. She never starts a fight herself unless this is required because of a request.
Despite this Mae can usually be seen reading either a scroll or book if she's not traveling about.

Biography & Lore

Mae spent the early years of her life studying magic like any other person from Phorasmos would, at some point during her studies she discovered the wonders of "cultivation" and learned how to take in the magicules in the air to turn it into her own magic source she later on called "Qi".
She started to study scrolls and books about all of the different ores and plants found throughout the world of Arethil, at this point in time Mae had completely stopped studying magics that could possible transcend life and death. The people around her started treating her differently, giving her strange looks and even scorned her. Mae however did not care about such trivial things and continued to satisfy her greed for knowledge.

A dozen years or so later she discovered a way to increase her life expectancy by having her Qi circulate through her body in a certain way, this did however cause her Qi to be drained constantly. In doing so she came to the realisation how wrong the people on Phorasmos have been to focus on magic and rituals to try to transcend life and death.
Mae decided to move away from Phorasmos, she packed her things into her satchel and set out for the main land. The first land she arrived at were the widespread plains of the Allir Reach. While she was there she enjoyed the surroundings and learned quite a lot from the resident farmers about the natural plants and animals that could be found in the area.

Further travels took her through the ancestral home of the Elves, Fallwood. From the elves she learned how to use her Qi to turn the boundless resources of the world into pills used to heal wounds and cure toxins. After visiting the many cities in Fallwood, the Aberresai Savannah and Amol-Kalit. During her many years of travel she learned about Phorasmos falling into ruin.

She eventually settled in the city of Elbion. Naturally it didn't take long for her house to be filled with books and scrolls about anything that would satisfy her need for knowledge.


