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Luna wolf Soul Printable version

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Luna wolf Soul

Biographical information
Falwood 15 falwood
Physical description
werewolf female
Political information
Out-of-character information

My character is Luna Wolf Soul. A 15 year old girl who is able to turn to a giant black wolf with blue eyes. She's not really talkative. She's more anti-social and shy. She's very creative and kind, but it takes time for her to make friends. Mainly because she doesn't know who to trust. It takes time for her to learn to trust, but once she knows and realizes she's pretty fun and talkative.


She is 5 ft 4, she has blueish brown eyes, and short brown hair. She sometimes wears black glasses.

Skills and Abilities

She can turn to a giant black wolf with blueish brown eyes


She's not really talkative. She's more anti-social and shy. She's very creative and kind, but it takes time for her to make friends. Mainly because she doesn't know who to trust. It takes time for her to learn to trust, but once she knows and realizes she's pretty fun and talkative.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
