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Letta the Bloodhound Printable version

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Biographical information
Cerak At'Thul Twenty Two The Fortress
Physical description
Sorceress Female Five Feet Ten Inches Slight Black Russet Brown Light Complexion
Political information
Warden of Cerak At'Thul
Out-of-character information
doonaday May 2024 Dungeons Lab

"Sweet things don't last long in Cerak. This hunt will change you. It may kill you.

You never return the same when you are reborn."

Misandra of the Wardens of Cerak At'Thul to Letta after her name was drawn from the Barrel.


The Sorceress of Cerak At'Thul

Tall, pretty, and lovely in nature.

Those were words used to describe the girl born to a whore mother and a drunkard father. Despite the adversity she was born into, she was given privilege for he friendship with the Princess of the Fortress, and due to her magical talents, became the Guard to Elide since they were young.

Letta grew strong with her magicks, and soon became a problem to other Wardens that merely wished to put the Princess in her place.

Two years ago, Letta's name was drawn from the Barrel, her name chosen out of thousands to be the Lucky Duck. This annual hunt was organised by Misandra of the Wardens, who in fact extended invitation to Elide to take part in the hunting party. Letta had been hours away from the Portal Stone before Misandra peppered her back with arrows and bolts, and many present believed the Sorceress to have died.


The Bloodhound Warden

Having spent two years unseen, her sudden return to Cerak was met with unease. No longer did she bloom as a rare flower in the grey, but a broken shell. Scars marred her flesh in all sorts of places, with whispers saying that Misandra had let loose hounds on the girl on the final day of the Hunt.

While the hunting party present that day was small, the truth of that moment was never spoken. Perhaps they feared their name would be called out next, or the fact that Letta was one of the few ever to survive the Lucky Duck Hunt.

Her magic evolved further, enough that she can siphon from any fantastical or magical being or object to bolster her own talents. In her two years in the shadows, she worked as a bounty hunter in the surrounding isles and brought back her catch. Some citizens have contracted the Bloodhound to track down prized slaves, for a very expensive premium.

Biography & Lore

Letta serves allegiance to Misandra, even going as far as wearing a brand on the inside of her right wrist that claimed her. She walks the streets with no sword, no armour, for it was rumoured that hells or heavens did not want her in either realm and would keep her here amongst the living. She is of no balance, of no roots.

Many people choose to ignore the Bloodhound, or simply cross the street to avoid her, lest her near scarlet eyes fall upon them.
