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Leida Caliar Printable version

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Leida Caliar

Biographical information
Thanasis 17 Where does your character tend to reside now?
Physical description
Human Female 5ft3 Dark Brown Green Fair
Political information
Noble, ascendant hopeful
Out-of-character information
Snowstorm 5/19/24 Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)

We thrive in the eye of the storm. Beware. Our Thunder is mighty, but our Lightning never misses.


Leida looks similar to her sister, though her features seem to lean more towards her father's. Her hair is dark and curly, her eyes a sharp and clear hazel. Her skin is fair, with cheeks that have almost a natural blush. She has a smattering of freckles across her nose that she absolutely hates.

Skills and Abilities

Her skills are of the daughter of nobility. She can sew, play the harp, has the voice of a lark when she sings. She can dance well enough and knows how to charm and interact with those of or above her class.


Leida is typically mild mannered and looks to her older sister Nadya for guidance. She isn't incapable of having a sharp tongue, and she finds herself to be fairly intelligent to most. She can be prone to stubbornness, digging her heels in when she wants her way.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
