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Kharnath Printable version

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Biographical information
Blood Lake, Western Eretejva, Mainland 3 Years Astenvale Monastery
Physical description
Necromantic Homunculus / Golem Agender - Male Pronouns. 6'4" 230lbs Glowing Red
Political information
Knight of Anathaeum
Out-of-character information
Tarathrieal Mirko Failoni

A horrific construct created to destroy, who instead found a purpose amongst the Knight of Anathaeum.


Born from the twisted intentions of a Necromancer, Kharnath was built for but a single purpose - to destroy, and his form follows that intent. Constructed from the combined parts of man, beast and necromancy Kharnath's form is horrific to behold for all but the most mentally resilient. His skin is a patch work of scales, fur and flesh that blends together, his eyes are bright glowing orbs of red energy which are set in his head in a very unnatural way.

His head and face are vaguely human shaped from a distance, with the required set of eyes and nose giving him the subtle illusion of being a human. Closer inspection reveals a creature which lacks a mouth of any kind, whose 'nose' is no more then a subtle protrusion of flesh and whose eyes are pits of blacks and red glowing with intensity.

His overall shape is distinctly humanoid, giving him a recognizable silhouette. His hands are large and humanoid, but his fingers come to a sharp point rather then a round edge as expected. His legs are powerful and large, but end in a elongated hooves that have the vague shape of a human foot and could easily be mistaken as thick boots at a glance.

As a result of his horrific appearance Kharnath wears an elaborate full body outfit consisting of plate armor, over cloak, and a thick head and neck covering with a decorative mask shaped around his "face". Not a single part of his skin shows through this attire except his hoof like feet, which are subtle enough when matched with his armor to appear as boots.

Skills and Abilities

Relentless - Kharnath is a thing of magic and flesh given the illusion of life, and thus lacks the general limitations of biological life in terms of physical exertion. He can push his bizarre patchwork musculature without rest - he never fatigues, never gives up and has no meaningful self preservation instinct. Once Kharnath has begun a fight, the only thing that will end his relentless assault is destruction.

Patchwork - Created from the best pieces of dozens of creatures Kharnath is a terrifying physical entity, he is far stronger then he appears, far faster then his size should allow. This is a result of his unique body, built meticulously to be the perfect physical specimen. There are few creatures which share the bipedal shape which have his sheer athletic ability.

Built to Destroy - Young and inexperienced, Kharnath relies primarily on his natural physical abilities and instinct to battle. He lacks subtly and is mostly a vicious bruiser, using his physical superiority over most things walking Arethil to simply overwhelm them with his savagery. He has no preferred weapon, though he normally resorts to his bare hands when pushed.


Having only existed as a conscious entity for a few years Kharnath has no defined personality, and will copy those around him like a child taking his favorite parts from his favorite characters and making them his own. As a result he changes from day to day, from person to person and is constantly growing as an individual. At a base level of intelligence Kharnath is equivalent to an adult human of a commoner background, he cannot read nor write and only has knowledge in his specialized field - in this case combat.

However as a personality Kharnath is a blank slate, a 'child' without whimsy or innocence - and with the ability to cause untold destruction.

Biography & Lore

Created by a mad Necromancer who sought to create the perfect monster, Kharnath was a lifeless doll of flesh stitched together by magic and deft medical skill far before he was given "life". The lifelong project of a madman, his creator built him without the knowledge of how to give him life until the creation of Blood Lake and it's strong necromantic energy allowing Kharnath's creator to give him life with it's potent energies.

When he "awoke" into this world Kharnath did as we was built, immediately tearing his creator apart in a wild rage. Through the sheer luck of the remote location of Blood Lake Kharnath was prevented from causing more destruction. During his confused wanderings he was found by the the Knights of Anathaeum and guided toward a better purpose.

He has since lived isolated from the world in Astenvale Monastery, being slowly turned into a terrifying force in service of the Knights of Knights of Anathaeum.
