Kesh 'Shiv' Ivistrian
The Sellsword
"Heaven offers nothing that a mercenary soul can desire"
"Heaven offers nothing that a mercenary soul can desire"
Bastard son of an Elbion Eleven, Shiv had to carve his own path in this world.
The half-elf does not possess the pure ethereal sheen of his mother's heritage but certainly does have a youthful quality about him. Numerous visible scars on his face suggest that he is far more experienced than his appearance would initially suggest. Shiv eschews heavier armor and instead prefers medium leathers which allow for greater mobility. A simple, but well-made blue tunic offers him protection from the elements. A warhammer can be found at one side of his hip while a shortsword can be found at the other.
Skills and Abilities
Hammer & Sword - Shiv learned how to fight mostly from his House's guards, who come from a variety of backgrounds. Thus his preferred combat style can be considered somewhat eclectic. He tends to favor a smaller warhammer in one hand and a shortsword in his off-hand. There are times when he will only use one of them as it depends on what the situation requires. As mentioned previously, his training was rather varied. Thus he tends to have some semblance of skill with many common weapons and a few outliers.
Magic | Evocation - The mercenary only began learning to hone his arcane abilities within the last ten years or so. Thus he is mostly capable of using minor to mid-level spells with any efficacy. Shiv's repertoire consists of simple spells such as summoning a destructive bolt or a minor shield. What he lacks in scale is compensated by his control and accuracy.
Mercantilism - Even though he was mostly treated as a ghost by his family, Shiv did not fail to pick up a few things along the way. House Ivistrian controlled much of the trade at Elbion's port beyond being a major merchant power in the city. The mercenary has therefore been able to develop a keen business insight that is not often common among those in his line of work.
Shiv enjoys coin as much as the next mercenary but it is not his sole reason for becoming a sellsword. More than anything, he values his freedom and the opportunity to make a name for himself through his own skills. He also possesses an inherent recklessness that he may never truly grow out of. It has certainly been tempered to an extent through years of experience but remains present nonetheless.
He grew up near the bustling port of Elbion and the myriad of persons who visited for trade. It may be too far to call him gregarious but he has little issue getting along with others. Even as a bastard, Shiv was granted some measure of learning and that can be seen in his speech. Of course that isn't to say he is above making crass remarks; he is a mercenary after all.
It is possible that one can find a stalwart friend in the half-elf. Shiv possesses a desire to form strong bonds though he is not entirely aware of this himself. A life of being ignored by his actual family has left him wanting. This is likely the reason that more than a few have found him to be endearing, for as much as a sellsword can be.
Biography & Lore
All that Glitters...
There isn't usually much behind a man who sells his sword for coin. I can assure you that I'm no different. Guess I come from fancier blood than most but what's that really mean out here? If this job has taught me anything, it's that everyone bleeds the same regardless of their name. But yes, if you are keen to know, the bastard who calls himself the Head of House Ivistrian is my father. 'Course you only need to take one look at my parents to see why they weren't all that pleased with my existence. I got a certain...sharpness that no one else in my family seems to possess.
Suppose I should consider myself lucky that they didn't just leave me for dead. I was wholly ignored by the family but I wouldn't say I was alone. Not sure if it was because I was a born charmer or just out of sheer pity, but the staff took me in. Ivistrians worked the port and so our House had people from all over. Guards taught me how to fight, the old scribe had me learning words and numbers. The fighting stuck more than anything but I'm still probably smarter than half the fools in this business.
It wasn't too long before I started taking on contracts here and there. Most were in or near the city to begin but I had fierce need to fuck off far from Elbion. Nearly got myself killed a fair few times in those early years. Learned myself a bit of magic too so I don't end up sleeping with the worms. Like to think I've made a bit of a name for myself but nothing more than that. I'll just keep doing what I do until my luck runs out. It's not fancy but it'll do.