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Jozys Printable version

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Biographical information
Physical description
97 lbs
Political information
Out-of-character information


Jozys has a rather short structure. Combined with her lean build and the fact that she wears green robes that appear to not have seen any wear she appears to be the perfect description of prey for bandits and similar. Her hair is usually rather messy despite her best efforts to keep it clean and she has a tree tattoo that starts from between her eyes and grows till the tip of her horns.

Skills and Abilities


Floramancy(Novice 0/100): Jozys can help plants grow quicker while guiding their growth. She usually relies on this ability to slowly build a shelter for herself however as she is still new to the arts of Floramancy she cannot use this ability fast enough to entangle someone or to create a wall unless the attacker decides to wait for an hour for her to finish.

Energy Capacity(Novice 0/100): Jozys has a reserve of energy she can rely on in order to use her magic without draining her life. This reserve is usually enough to set up shelter for herself and conjure edibles without incurring fatigue however it isn't large enough to permit her to use spells repeatedly in a high risk situation.

Energy Regeneration(Novice 0/100): Through meditation Jozys can spend an hour to renew her energy reserves to their maximum capacity. In an environment where she is away from her element like a city or wastelands it takes three hours.

Regenerative Touch(Novice 0/100): While being incapable of directly healing someone Jozys can infuse someone with some of her energy allowing them to recover from minor wounds in a few minutes. She can choose to help heal a major wound at the cost of a large amount of energy.

Create Water(Novice 0/100): Jozys can use her magic to gather water from the air. She can gather enough to fill up one cup with one casting.

Goodberry(Novice 0/100): Jozys can turn dirt into a few berries that are nutritious enough to replace a meal. These berries also help her gather energy faster making their overall energy cost minimal.

Wilderness Survival

Herbalism(Novice 0/100): Jozys has some knowledge regarding which herbs are edible but she does not have enough knowledge to make medicine out of the herbs.

Wayfinding(Novice 0/100): Jozys knows basic techniques to find her way in the wilderness if she is in familiar terrain.

Teamaking(Novice 0/100): Jozys has some experience on how to brew herbal teas using what she has found though she is by no means an expert teamaker.


A rather timid person Jozys is less of a lead and more of a sidekick. She enjoys taking care of others doing things like listening to their troubles and giving them food and shelter. She is not a gregarious person though she does her best to answer questions that are asked to her. She isn't an adrenaline junkie however she gets restless if she is stuck in an environment where life is mundane.

Biography & Lore
