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Jazat Mar Printable version

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Jazat Mar

Biographical information
Underground 80 No Fixed Residence
Physical description
Dark Elf Male 1.7m 74kg White Light Blue Ashen Grey
Political information
Mercenary Guild Mercenary
Out-of-character information


Jazat is small by most standards, standing at 5 foot and 7 inches tall, with a rather solid build due to his occupation keeping him well fed and fit. He has few scars for a mercenary and this is mainly because he spends a lot of his time within his armor - meaning that attacks shallow enough to leave only a scar don't often make it through his defenses. However, he does have a duo of scars across his face that came from an incident involving a knife fight in a tavern when he was without his helmet.

Never normally without his armor or helmet, when he is out of it Jazat prefers to wear layers of wool clothing as he has a preference to be warm. He shaves the sides of his head and pulls his hair back to keep it from getting in his eyes and recently he has begun to cultivate a beard.

He takes care to maintain his beard.

Skills and Abilities

Jazat began training in martial pursuits as soon as he was old enough to pick up a practice sword and it shows in his skills. While perfectly capable of taking care of himself with some minor skill in cooking and hunting, Jazat always knew he would earn his living rather than catching it so never honed these skills beyond the basics that everyone is expected to know.

He favors combat in his full armor with a sword in one hand and shield in the other but if capable of using two swords or a shield and mace should the need arise. Capable with short swords and knives for when he is lightly armored, Jazat relies on his speed when lightly armored and his surprising level of speed even when more heavily armored.

As a mercenary, Jazat has grown accustomed to haggling, bargaining and persuasion. While he is by no means a master of buying and selling, few people who meet Jazat have much in the way of bad things to say about him as a person as he tries his best to build up relations with customers and potential customers.

He was trained in some magic as a child but he has become very selective in it's use - he has specialized in defensive and counter-magics. Jazat is unlikely to ever throw an offensive spell but he is more than capable, and prepared, to send an offensive spell right back to it's castor or nullify it's effects.


Jazat can be described as many things but one thing he can never be described as is typical. As an elf (of any kind) there is an expectation that he be wise, otherworldly and mature. While he can certainly be mature should the need arise, Jazat spends most of his time enjoying himself and having a bit of a laugh with either friends or enemies. As a mercenary he knows that today's friends may be tomorrow's enemies but rather than linger on the negatives of that, he does his best to befriend those he knows he is likely to fight against in the future - this has led to moments where Jazat has met a friend in battle and the two of them have merely let the other capture them without a fight and in good spirits.

Quick with a joke, he is intelligent and quick witted but not an especially learned man considering he has spent most of his life looking for fights instead of books. When he feels the need to buckle down and study he finds it extremely difficult to sit still and pay attention - he much prefers to be in action than to be learning from texts or tutors.

When the need calls for it, Jazat becomes serious in every way and focuses on efficiency. Sometimes he has been observed as being potentially too brutal in his mannerisms and attacks simply because said brutality brings about the end result faster.

Something he doesn't know himself yet is that he is looking for something to believe in. Currently he believes in money, wine and friends but these are all placeholders for that thing, that cause or pursuit, that will consume him and become something he can dedicate his life to.

Biography & Lore

Born into an underground settlement of Dark Elves, Jazat spent his formulate years being cared for by his mother can given a basic education. When he was old enough to begin physical training his father, also a mercenary, decided that he was ready to learn from his old man. Taken from his original home, Jazat spent the next few decades on the road with his father, learning from him the skills of how to be a mercenary.

When they were close to Bhathairk on their journeys, they were attacked by a band of mercenaries and bandits who had been hired by someone to keep that particular section of road closed. Rather than going on some rampage of revenge, Jazat survived the attack and spoke to the leader of the mercenary band. After realizing that the attack had been nothing personal, Jazat dropped the matter.

Dead father and all.

As someone who had come to view mercenaries as an extension of another's will (and therefore not wholly at fault for their actions), Jazat left the mercenary company alone and instead went after their employer. The employer was a local trader who had been looking to drive his stock's prices up by reducing the amount of trade that could enter through that stretch of road. Jazat killed the man once the man's contract with the mercenary guild ran out so the mercenaries were under no obligation to save his life.

Since then Jazat has been a part of numerous mercenary bands and fought in numerous battles from small scale skirmishes to fighting on the sides of some larger battles. The world has begun to change in recent years and Jazat has begun searching for something else, all the while making sure he keeps his contacts in the mercenary world.

Just in case.

During this time he had never returned to the underground cities of his people, instead preferring to stay above ground to follow the work both mercenary and otherwise. It could be said that he has left the world of his people behind for the rest of the world but he would never really put it this way.