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Biographical information
Prata Very late twenties Nomad/Prata
Physical description
Human Male 5'11 Average Blonde Blue White
Political information
Out-of-character information
Dice 10-14-18 Rachel Hall?

Simply put, Jason is a warrior.

But when you grow up on the Taagi Baara Steppes, there isn't much else to do other than become a whaler. Steppe Bandits, Taagi Centaurs, and large predators had always plagued the area, so the people of Prata adapted to survive. He grew up in their warrior society and flourished in their lifestyle.

As a result of his village's culture, Jason prefers to travel bare-chested and ride bareback. He was raised to be fearless, and fearless he is. Armor restricts his movement, so he foregoes it entirely, relying on his instincts and training to keep him alive. Jason is a hero of his city and is thought by some to even be a descendant of Iasimu herself (or at maybe one of the hundreds), but he isn't so sure. He seeks his fortune in the world of Arethil and hopes to find the answer to this.

Jason has a serious demeanor and usually comes off as abrasive and harsh to those who do not know him well. Although he is capable of humor and banter, Jason usually reserves that for people he knows and trusts. His dark personality is most likely due to his father and brother being killed in a bandit attack. At the core he's pretty much a straight up sell-sword, but his moral compass is as straight as the arrows on his back.

All Jason carries with him are his weapons and quiver (which acts as a sort of backpack). His sword, Dawnbreaker, was taken from the body of the bandit captain that murdered his family and his bow was carved by his own hands. Jason's quiver has been specially modified for travel with pockets and pouches that are useful for carrying small food items, bandages, and other useful items. Anything he can't carry is stowed on his faithful horse and best friend, Sargent, which Jason raised himself in his city. Sargent is a dark brown horse carries the rest of Jason's equipment such as his bedroll and basic cooking gear.


Jason stands at 5'11" with blonde hair and blue eyes. His skin is evenly tanned from hours of combat training under the hot steppe sun and he's surprisingly dexterous for his muscular physique. Normally, Jason can be seen without a shirt and just his quiver on his back. He wears leather leggings as his only armor and his sword at his belt at all times.

With a normally hard expression and deep voice, Jason usually comes off as an intimidating and imposing figure. (Mostly a Chris Hemsworth sort of voice)

Jason wears a black and gold band around his left upper arm which signifies his place in Prata's society as an elite warrior. His gold family crest faces outward on it and the band itself is covered in Annunaki Pantheon blessings. It serves to remind him where he came from and to protect him in battle.

Skills and Abilities

Even in a warrior society, Jason is considered highly skilled. Being the son of the former captain forces a man into that place. He has about the most perfect balance of strength and dexterity anyone hopes to achieve in the art of battle. His skill with the sword and bow are unmatched in Prata and arguably in the whole area of the Taagi Baara Steppes. On the downside of his proficiency, Jason is highly unskilled with any other melee weapons that don't resemble a sword such as axes and maces.

Although he doesn't fully believe it himself, many people in Prata think he is a descendant of the gods. This is most likely due to a number of reasons. It could his masterful skill in their primary weapons, or maybe it's his extreme levels of pain tolerance. Another reason could be the way that he seems faster than a normal human during fights. No one knows for sure if this is really true, but it sure as hell looks like it if you watch closely.

Prata trains its warriors to have heightened senses for improved survival chances on the battlefield. Jason wasn't one to slack off in his training, therefore his senses make him more aware than your average soldier from neighboring cities. Hearing and peripheral vision are the two main and most important senses that Jason has trained in, which makes him more competent in battle.
