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Jaerys Vhassar Printable version

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Jaerys Vhassar

Biographical information
At sea 32 Mobile
Physical description
Half Elf Male
Political information
Out-of-character information

Jaerys is the commander of the renowned sellsword company The Broken Standard. He is a masterful tactician with a strong taste for good wine and beautiful. A bit roguish, though a reliable companion (for the right price).


Standing at a solid 6'1", Jaerys is a looming, nonchalant figure of a slim, athletic stature. His dark eyes are starkly contrasted by his white hair, save for the single area of solid black. His face is calm, yet mischievous, almost akin to that of a cutpurse that may be waiting to snatch your coin the moment you look away. His clothing is practical, but eye-catching enough. After all, what would be the point of wealth if one does not show it at least a little? Overall, he's a man that carries himself with confidence and bravado, both of which can be backed up by the blade he carries on his back.

Skills and Abilities

Seasoned Commander: Jaerys rose to the rank of Commander of the Broken Standard at a relatively young age, and has since led them to countless victories. He has a keen mind for battle, and the rapport he possesses with his men makes him an inspiring figure within their ranks.

Born of Steel: He has known battle from his first breath, and understood the importance of combat prowess as a mere child. Thus he has studied many forms of combat, making him an incredibly skilled fighter.

Silver Tongue: A sellsword needs to know how to negotiate, and Jaerys is no exception to this. Thankfully, his charismatic nature makes it easy for him to win people to his side, his charm carrying him through life almost as much as his skill with a blade.


Though Jaerys may come across as a bit of a wildcard with a devil-may-care attitude, those that know him know that beneath his rather charming facade is a man of calculating focus. Though he may not seem to notice the things around him, make no mistake... his head is constantly on a swivel. There is no such thing as too careful when you live a life of violence, and Jaerys is always prepared for the next unseen threat.

This, however, does not stop the sellsword from finding enjoyment in the simple pleasures in life. In many ways, he gives off the air of a common soldier, or perhaps a pirate just returning to land. He is the most at home among the commonfolk, though he can hold his own within the courts of kings and queens, if need be. In the end, he is a dashing individual with a sly grin and a quick wit that will bleed for those that follow him into battle.

Biography & Lore

When one says they were born in the fires of war, it is rarely meant to be taken literally. This was not so for Jaerys, who was born upon the high seas as his father's merchant ship was assaulted by a band of corsairs. There is little for him to remember from this encounter, for he is the sole survivor of the attack. His mother perished while still holding him within her arms, and his father and the others aboard the ship were put to the sword as well, leaving him the only one left. Thankfully, the captain of the attacking ship took pity on the baby Jaerys, and took him aboard to raise as one of their own.

Life wasn't easy in those early years. The seas are no place for a child, a fact only emphasized by the constant state of violence that persisted in the life of such brigands. He had to work hard to earn his keep, and had acquired a fair share of scars by the time he was a teenager. Despite the harshness of his childhood, Jaerys found himself appreciating the camaraderie he experienced aboard the vessel, growing to acquire a fondness for the crew. They taught him many things, including navigation, the intricacies of ship maintenance, and the basics of swordplay. He also learned the art of music, as well as the gift of gab. The captain even took time to lend Jaerys pilfered books when he could, so that Jaerys could further educate himself.

Alas, all things must come to an end, and one fateful night, their own ship was assailed by local military forces while at port. Whatever members of their crew that weren't arrested or killed were scattered, and Jaerys found himself alone, wandering the world in search of a new fortune. One day, he would find that fortune in the form of the Broken Standard, a roaming sellsword company with a growing reputation. It was here that he would hone his mind and skills more, and as time passed, he eventually found himself rising to the role of commander. Now he leads them from place to place, ensuring their names within the history books with every victory they achieve along the way.
