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Biographical information
Alliria 18 Alliria
Physical description
Human Male 6ft Light Dark brown Brown Olive
Political information
Out-of-character information

"The art of deception is to believe the lie yourself, boy. If you don't believe it then how will anyone else? Become the lie and it no longer is a lie, and the truth is a lot easier to fall for."
- Peytr, Thief Master to Jace on his 14th birthday


Jace is a tall lad who hasn't quite finished filling out his broad shoulders and chest. As such he has quite a gangly appearance though he uses his lithe form well in his various notorious antics. He has a mop of brown hair and brown eyes, making him appear like most other Allirian's in the city. The inconspicuous nature of his looks lends itself well to his line of work.

One day he hopes he can grow a beard.

Skills and Abilities

Thievery: Jace grew up under the tutelage of Peytr, quite a known thief amongst the criminal gangs in Alliria. As such he was taught numerous different skills in relation to that line of working including lock picking, smuggling, breaking and entering and woeing ladies.

Card Magic: Developed over the years Jace has a special deck of cards that he can perform mild spells with. They are much weaker than mage magic and once the card is used it is unusable for a day.


Jace has a mouth that will get him into as much trouble as good. He has a cheeky personality and likes to crack a joke with his friends - and enemies for that matter. Despite the bravado that comes with male adolescence, Jace has a softer side that is very rarely seen and can be quite sensitive when the mood takes him. Women absolutely confuse the poor lad, though he had been informed this is not something that changes with time.

Biography & Lore

Jace grew up on the streets of Allira after the death of his mother to the Red Plague. He fought and stole for his food until he tried to rob the pockets of one Petyr Malone. Petyr, instead of rebuking the boy, pointed out the flaws to his technique and offered to teach him instead if the lad worked for him and him alone. Happy to have a roof over his head and consistent meals, Jace agreed and never looked back.
