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Isabella Printable version

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Biographical information
Vel Ainr 17 Vel Einr
Physical description
Human Female Long dark brown hair Golden Brown Carmel
Political information
She works as a teachers assistant
Out-of-character information
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As shown above she usally wears a golden necklace and earrings plus a blue headband to keep her black hair out of her face.

Skills and Abilities

Unlike her older brother and twin, she is not sill in fight at all. She believes that knowledge is more powerful than the sword but due to requirements she did go to the military for 2 years.


She is a middle school teaching assistant but aspires to be a full time teacher. She helps out with most things at the local school such as running the library, making lunches, tutoring and more! She is very sweet and kind and has a big heart.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
