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Infobox_ship Printable version
This page can be used as a building block in other pages.

This page has been seen 637 times.


Ship Information
{{{type}}} {{{draft}}} {{{length}}} {{{beam}}} {{{mounts}}}
Identifying Features
{{{figurehead}}} {{{flag}}} {{{color}}} {{{accent}}}
Political information
{{{affiliation}}} {{{captain}}}
Out-of-character information
{{{writer}}} {{{created}}} {{{imagecredit}}}

This template is intended as an Infobox for ships. It will be the first thing that readers are drawn to when they click on a ship's page and should contain a brief overview of the vessel.

Template Code

|draft=depth of water for ship to float
|figurehead=a design attached to the bow (front) of a ship


This template is intended to be used on Lore pages as an Infobox with some brief, yet important, details of the item. It is intended to be a reader's first impression of the item.


Defines the image to be displayed on top of the infobox. This parameter can only accept a URL to the desired image.​

Defines the name to be displayed on top of the infobox. This parameter defaults to the page's name if left blank.​

The rest of the parameters are self-explanatory. BB Code can be used for every parameter if desired. Any other parameters left blank are not displayed.


Tabin'Ur's Greed

Ship Information
Galleon 5ft 150ft 20ft Cannons, Harpoon
Identifying Features
Golden Harp Jolly Roger Black White
Political information
Pirate John Doe
Out-of-character information
EpicWriter April 28, 2017 Ship by Roberto Gatto

When this template is used with the following code, the infobox to the right is generated. Please note that for the purpose of creating this guide, the information included in the example does not necessarily reflect the image used.

|name=Tabin'Ur's Greed
|mounts=Cannons, Harpoon
|figurehead=Golden Harp
|flag=Jolly Roger
|captain=John Doe
|created=April 28, 2017
|imagecredit=[url=]Ship by Roberto Gatto[/url]