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Ildri Lanik

Biographical information
Fayoak Farm 19 Fayoak Farm/Elbion College
Physical description
Human Female 5'4" 120lbs Blonde Blue Fair
Political information
Independent Student/Future Mage/Assistant Librarian
Out-of-character information
Kristi Gwent


Because of her short stature Ildri grew up sharing clothes with her brothers around the farm. But she was always embarrassed by this fact and only wears the few skirts she has in public. She’s not one to shy away from dirt but knows that most girls don’t look forward to taking the first mudbath of the spring. Her hair is almost always down and despite her mother’s attempts to make her look pretty she prefers to be presented as she is since she believes that if she must marry, her husband should know what he’s getting into before vows are exchanged. Ildri’s long blond hair is very sunstreaked and her blue eyes are quite captivating if she looks at someone long enough.

Skills and Abilities

Ildri’s magical gifts have yet to be discovered though she can make herself understood to animals and can accelerate growth in plants.


Ildri can be kind, generous, sarcastic, timid or brave depending on the situation. She is very much affected by the emotions of others and will respond to them based on how she is treated. If treated well then she is kind and returns the kindness. If treated cruelly she is a force of nature and has a hard time holding her tongue or her temper. Ildri loves to talk to animals and often has long conversations with creatures others might find amusing such as cattle or birds.

Biography & Lore

Ildri’s mother, Marlona, the youngest child of the great Vail Outerridge married quite below her station. Having many other children, her father allowed the marriage and even provided a substantial savings for the couple to pursue their dream of living a quiet life in the country. A novice and ungifted in the use of magic, Vail never dreamed a grandchild from this daughter would carry his markers.

Ildri was born on a farm outside the city of Alliria. The first child of Marlona and Guthri Lanik. The couple were also blessed with three sons: twins Maeron and Maik, and Ghaith. Ildri grew up unaware that she was anything special. Though animals responded very well to her and she could coax flowers to bloom, it never occurred to her that she had been born with the gift of magic nor did she know that her maternal grandfather was famous for his abilities.

Marlona refused to use magic in the home and never exposed her children to it. After all, it had brought her only pain and ridicule having grown in the shadow of her father and the ambitions of others who would use his children. She was firm but loving with her children and she and Guthrie treated Ildri the same as their sons.

Ildri was educated at home and found to be highly intelligent. She devoured any book she could get her hands on, even borrowing and returning books to seasonal travelers on their way to the City of Alliria. Unbeknownst to the family a few of the travelers were sent by Vail to check up on the family. It was during one of these visits that Ildri’s talents were discovered and reported to him. On her eighteenth birthday a letter arrived stating that her tuition to Elbion college had been paid in full and she was to attend the following year. Her only responsibility (other than her school work) was to be an apprentice librarian for a year.

A week after the letter arrived, her grandfather was found dead. Though he had gained enemies over the years, no discernible cause of death was established but most believed it to be murder. Fearing the same for her daughter, Marlona called in a favor with an old family once loyal to the Outteridge legacy.
