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Gwynevere Printable version

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Biographical information
Fainraeth, The Day Court 500 Fainraeth, The Day Court
Physical description
Fae, Duanaan Female 6'1" Slim Silvery Blonde Blue to Purple Fair
Political information
Queen of the Day Court
Out-of-character information
Eilerias 2/21/2022 Excellero

Forced to carry your burdens.

Gwynevere LaRoe

The smallest and least threatening of her father's six children, Gwynevere LaRoe was never projected to be the queen. Like most fae she was blessed with beauty. To mortals and the fae who don't pay enough attention, she appears a little too perfect. Her skin, pale and flawless. Her hair, so white it appears iridescent and reflects like a crystal in the right lighting. However, if one was to stare a little too long they may begin to notice the dark circles from her sleepless nights and a general signs of fatigue as the stress of being a queen takes its toll on her. Little is known about how she looked before her reign began as her parents took caution to keep the sickly child out of the public eye.

Duanaan Affinity

  • Illusion
  • Alteration
  • Persuasion
  • Light
Due to her hidden presence, very few know of her domain outside of her family. Her affinities are passed down through her bloodline, though do not manifest in every child born. There was never any inkling that she would be the one chosen by fate to lead the Day Court, so her parents did not help her hone her skills. She was left on her own to develop the illusions alone, which led to wild new uses for them and would lead her to creating the hive to support the illusions of the Day Court when she is crowned Queen.

Magic is no easy feat for her, however. She has yet to hit the bottom of her source of power, but it takes a great toll on her. Yvoire, her cousin, was raised and trained in order to better assist her future queen, siphoning magic from other sources to resupply the hive and regenerate whatever Gwynever has lost.

Celestial Alignment

Gwynevere was born during a solar eclipse at sunrise, the only one of her siblings to do so. Legends say the familial affinities only affect those who are born during this time, which may be a reason why it only affected her. Though her magic is stronger during all hours of the day, it is strongest during solar eclipses and weakest during a lunar eclipse.

Elemental Alignment

  • Fire and Air

Animal Form

Gwynevere can take the form of a shimmering white snake with yellow eyes.

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