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Griogair Llywelyn Printable version

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Griogair Llywelyn

Biographical information
Underhill 989 Underhill
Physical description
Duanann Male 7'3 200lbs Ginger orange pale
Political information
Out-of-character information


Griogair Llywelyn (GRI-ger Le-well-in) is tall but slightly more well built than average Duanann. shoulder length red hair come from his head which is covered in orange glowing tattoo-like markings on his face that match his orange eyes. from his head sprout branches that looking like from a tree in autumn.

He's usually dressed in his leather amour, he often feels uncomfortable being anything but in his armour as some who doesn't spend much time at court.

Duanann Affinity

Griogair has the ability to make himself completely invisible to the naked eye, he can hold abilities for hours though it can be exhausting doing it while engaging in heavy physical activity. the cost of this ability is that when he's not even physically invisible, he's still invisible in the sense like no one really takes notice of him, he blends into the background. he's seen but never noticed.

Skills and Abilities

Griogair is a trained ranger, acting often acting as a forward scout for the winter court, trained in a multitude of ways of fighting, though he has a preference for use of crossbows and his Kriegsmesser and shield.

he is a proficient tracker and hunter, capable of finding and following trails of creatures of all sizes, he is also capable of bushcraft, from creating shelters and traps to recognizing plants and fungi, he knows how to survive and thrive in the wilderness by himself.

His elemental alignment is air.
Celestial Alignment is lunar.
Animal Form is that of a red wolf.


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Biography & Lore

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