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Gottfried Printable version

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Biographical information
Alliria 38 Reliquum Conclave, Allir Reach
Physical description
Venari, Human Female 5’9” Built Copper Blonde Amber, blackend sclera Sunkissed
Political information
Out-of-character information
Hollic 1-6-21 Face, Background

Gottfried is a travelled Venatori of the Venari organization. While not comparable in skill to some that are older than her, she has delved the backwoods and murky swamps of Arethil looking for work and fulfilling contracts. Like her brothers and sisters though, she is infected with the Venari strain of Lycanthropy, having lived and trained in the Conclave to hunt monsters.

Softer spoken than most, she does not typically stand out amongst her peers in terms of raw strength or boisterous tendencies. Guile and tenacity are her hallmark traits. Planning and tracking her weapons of choice in the hunt aside from the typical weapons brought to bear in the heat of combat.

Colloquially known as Muck Hound for her travels.


Godfried stands at an average height among her peers, though just on the short side, and built well as proper for a Venari. Marked out for her unique ear hoops, short copper hair, and rounded features, she manages to keep to the background of her brothers and sisters.

She maintains a short cut for her hair, the murky swamps and thickets she frequents far more troublesome than it's worth with a mane of hair. A trio of scars dominates her soft features, earned in some back wood area that also garnered her the ear hoops and piercings she wears.

All of which comes out before a working a job.

Skills and Abilities

Multiple Languages - Godfried has studied numerous languages for both her own interest, as well as making a functional choice for her job. Travelling to remote places often exposes her to lesser known or derivative languages.
Tracking, Studying, Keen Eyes and Ears - Gottfried is known for watching creatures and people to see the patterns in their habits. Making notes not only for herself, but also for others, she shares what she learns to better aid the Venari.
Team Player - Gottfried does best with a team though is quite capable on her own, knowing her limitations well after a harsh lesson that garnered the scars on her face.


Gottfried is relatively quiet and reserved for a Venari. Choosing to get her fill of conflict while on the job, she does what she can to avoid causing more trouble for herself in the conclave. By no means is she a tail tucker, but she doesn't see the point in biting the hand and being slapped for it.

A glance her way would show a soft smile as she worked, though this is just her natural appearance and by no means a reflection on her as a whole. She goes about her work, regardless if it is a contract or merely Conclave duties, with determination and focus.

The life of a Venari can be grim, and most take to jokes or dark humor with gusto. Most of these jokes and humor seem to fly over Gottfried's head however, not sure exactly how to respond at times.

Biography & Lore

This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops
