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Gorgosh Bloodgrin

Biographical information
Northern Steppe 35 years old No home, he lives a nomadic lifestyle
Physical description
half human-half orc male 225cm 220 kg white yellow green
Political information
Undertakes different jobs
Out-of-character information
Zarathustra 25.3.2021 fockorange on deviantart

Physical Appearance

Both of Gorgosh's parents are quite the physical specimens, so it comes off as no surprise that he follows in their steps. This man is an absolute fucking unit. Orc males are massive and brutish-looking creatures. Weighing in 150 to 190 kg and standing from 2 to 2.3 meters in height, they are not a small race. Even orc women tend to be only a half-foot or so shorter and 50 to 100 pounds lighter than most males (and some of them are equal in stature to their male counterparts), having broad shoulders and muscular, powerful bodies. Gorgosh is no different, as a matter of fact, he is both slightly heavier and slightly taller than orcs who are normally considered large in their own right. His skin tone is naturally green, as is that of his mother and his eyes are yellowish in color. His skin tone and eye color can change when enraged, gaining a bloody red appearance. This change is a side effect caused by the consumption of demon blood, and it is permanent. Gorgosh can return to a normal state, but he can never fully cleanse his organism of demonic ichor. Normally male orcs possess a slight slouch, but Gorgosh stands entirely erect due to his human heritage. Gorgosh has several scars on his body, mostly from minor battles and dueling. He refuses to tattoo himself, thinking of it as something that would sully his honor. Orcs, especially orc warriors, are fond of tattoos of orcish symbols that have abstract, yet personal meaning to the individual orc, such as a clan symbol or a battle standard. In orcish society, scars are a source of pride for an orc; the amount of scars an orc has received in battle marks his experience as a warrior.

His facial features are slightly more human than those of a pure orc, but still quite brutish and intimidating. He has large, heavily set jaws from which tusk-like teeth protrude. His brows are heavy and his nose is broad, slightly flattened, resembling an animal's snout. Orcs tend to have coarse and bristly hair and beards, often black or brown in color, graying with age. Orc males sometimes choose to grow beards that are wild and untamed, while others prefer them to be braided and tasseled. These beards always hang from the chin, as orcs do not grow heavy facial hair above their upper lip. Gorgosh keeps his shoulder-length hair tied in a ponytail for the sake of convenience. His bears are also braided, reaching just slightly under his neck.

Full-blooded orcs have claws on both their toes and their fingers. These claws can be used to slash and hack at prey items, or even during combat if the orc gets disarmed. Due to his human side, Gorgosh doesn't have pronounced claws, instead showcasing fingernails that are only slightly pointed when compared to those of a normal human. His hands are still quite large and powerful though, with thick, bony fingers clad in rigid sinew. It seems that the knuckles of his hands have become more pronounced due to partial training. By hitting hard surfaces such as stone and metal Gorgosh created microfractures along the bones of his hand. These fractures would eventually heal over, leaving behind a stronger, more robust bone. This is why his hands appear a tad larger than those of other orcs.



Orcs wear varied assortments of attires such as leathers, gambeson, chain mail, and sometimes even plate armor. Gorgosh doesn't wear armor, thinking that it would hinder his speed and the ability to make sharp turns during combat. Gorgosh wears pants, boots, a belt made out of wolf's fur, and on some occasions a cotton tee shirt that covers his upper body. Clothing can be a sign of rank and prestige among orcs, but not in a way that humans would see. Orcs do not care so much for beauty and grace as they care for utility and intimidation. Capes or coats made out of hides of powerful beasts are highly sought after, this goes double if the owner themselves killed and skinned the creature. Likewise, well-crafted armor is issued only to those warriors who are skilled enough to utilize it, as well as seasoned raiders who are known for looting equipment from the bodies of the foes they have slain. Orcs can be somewhat fashionable when it comes to intimidating enemies. This is why orcish warriors like to attach skulls and bones to their attires, as well as pain gruesome images of death and slaughter all over their armors. Gorgosh finds this practice to be excessive, and while he does ornament his blade with some minor carvings, he'd never go as far as to attach unnecessary accessories to it.

Around his neck, Gorgosh carries a beaded necklace. Each bead is about 50 mm across, made entirely out of polished wood. The string is made of durable, woven hemp, to add to the simplistic design. Each bead is stained in a careful, mocha brown finish; The coating is deep, yet subtle enough to admire the wood grain of every bead. The necklace itself has 24 beads on it, with each bead being exactly the same size, shape, and structure.

Biology and Physiology

Orcs are naturally superior to humans in almost all areas regarding physical work and physical abilities. Gorgosh has orcish physiology due to his mother's genes, not only that, but his strength is significantly above average even for an orc, courtesy of Gorgosh's incredibly large frame. Several adaptations give orcs far stronger muscles than a human of proportional size or even other wild animals of the same size. They have denser muscles, made mostly of longer fibers that are capable of greater exertion. Most of their muscles are fast-twitch, which makes them capable of very powerful, explosive movements, rather than providing the great endurance humans get from the slow-twitch muscles in their legs. They are also capable of recruiting a far greater percentage of the fibers in a muscle group for a single movement than we are. A super-strong human can recruit maybe 40% of the fibers. An ordinary orc can easily recruit close to 100% of their muscle fibers. One of the greatest reasons for the freakish strength of orcs is the amazing mechanical advantage of their muscles. The insertion points of their tendons are far down the bones they move. It is as if the insertion points of the human biceps were moved farther down the ulna and radius. We would be able to bend our forearms up with far greater force. The informal world curling record would be at least doubled. Orcs have that kind of mechanical advantage on all their skeletal muscles. Plus, their tendons are much stronger than those of a human. Likewise, their skeletons are also far more robust, resembling that of a bear or great ape. This is how they don't tear their bodies apart while utilizing such incredible strength.

Orcs metabolize nutrients and use energy in ways that are far more efficient than most other creatures do, especially humans. The Human body loses the bulk of the energy it gets by digesting food through mechanical imperfections and heat. Orcs do not suffer from this issue, their bodies being far more adapted to utilizing energy produced through the breakdown of sugars. Hence, why they can perform incredible feats of strength without depleting all of their energy. A downside of this is the fact that orcs have a faster metabolism than humans do, meaning that they have to eat much more in order to stay functional. An orcish warrior can easily eat several kilos worth of calorie dense food on a daily basis.

Years of dedicated training have put Gorgosh head and shoulders above most orcs. He is stronger, faster, and more agile than the majority of his kinsmen. His bones have been conditioned throughout the years, creating micro-fractures that have healed over to create more robust and more resilient bones. Hence, why Gorgosh can break solid stone and concrete with nothing but his bare hands. But there is more. In case that Gorgosh is cornered he can draw upon the inner power of his body, granted through consumption of demon blood. Years ago Gorgosh consumed large quantities of this fel liquid in order to test its effects on the physique of living creatures. It made him stronger, but also more prone to violence, impatience, and sloppiness. Gorgosh has suppressed its effects on his body, but that power can be unleashed in times of need. In a matter of seconds, Gorgosh's body will increase, in both size and bulk. His skin will turn blood-red while his yellow eyes are flooded by green fire that burns with unbridled fury. Bony horns grow from his arms and hands, a ridge of long sharp spines coming out of Gorgosh's back. He gains heightened attributes in all areas, making him into a juggernaut of destruction.

Then, a heavy blood haze falls over the orc, forcing him into a crazed bloodlust. The most prominent side effect of this blood haze is a deep red discoloration of the flesh and insane desire for battle and violence. Said haze also happens to be the greatest drawback. In this state Gorgosh can no longer use his wind magic, likewise, his skull degrades as the more primitive and animalistic parts of the brain start to take over. Gorgosh can no longer distinguish a friend from a foe, leaving him viable to hurt his own allies and whomever else he can get his hands on. The level of brutality that Gorgosh is capable of inflicting while intoxicated by demonic power is unreal, which is why he highly dislikes the idea of using it unless completely necessary.

Magical Abilities

Gorgosh can generate and control the wind, which allows him to do a multitude of things, both offensive and defensive. He can generate slashes and stand of pressurized air to increase his range. These attacks can be made powerful enough to rend solid stone and metal like styrofoam. He can control the flow of wind to create powerful gusts that act as a distraction to his enemies. Wind magic can be used to enhance one's speed if one imbues one's body with it. The damage output of bladed weapons can likewise be increased via wind magic. Incredibly skilled users can even turn their whole body into the wind for brief periods of time. Since air cannot be seen by conventional methods, neither can the attacks and derivatives formed by/from it, making it an invisible and versatile weapon that is very difficult to block and dodge.

Drawbacks and conditions
Magic by its nature as a finite source of energy has its drawbacks, namely the quantity. Gorgosh has limited reserves of magical energy that can be depleted by constant use over time. Magic regenerates much like stamina, meaning that the user has to make a physical pause and not cast any spells/abilities for their magic pool to recover. Likewise, attacks made with wind magic have to be charged first. Charging can last anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes. Attacks that are charged for longer periods of time are more potent. While charging is underway no other wind-related abilities can be used without disrupting the charge.

Turning into the wind can drain most of Gorgosh's mana pool, a whole two-thirds of it. He can stay like this for a maximum of fifteen seconds before having to revert to his physical form. This ability in particular has a long cooldown of 10 minutes or more. Wind slashes/bullets of pressurized air cannot be generated through anything other than a bladed weapon. If Gorgosh is to be disarmed he'll lose the ability to do this type of attack. Those with extrasensory abilities can see and sense the flow of wind, therefore allowing them to dodge it.


Gorgosh's weapon of choice is a handcrafted, master-quality blade called The Gorger. Gorger is a light and agile sharp Kriegsmesser with a curved and fullered blade based on the depiction of a Landsknecht, Fritz Rürenschlundt. The blade is curved, with the balance point moving closer to the blade's tip instead of the hilt. Most other two-handed swords don't have this feature, which makes Gorger unique. Gorger is primarily a cutting blade, hence why its blade is more tip-oriented, allowing the user to generate more force with each strike. The grip length allows two-handed use, although as mentioned, this Kriegsmesser is light enough to be used in just one hand, which is another feature that makes it stand out. We could argue that it's even closer in handling to sabers than to the larger Kriegsmessers.

Gorger is roughly 180 cm long, with a mass of 2.2 kilograms. Normally messer-style blades are significantly shorter than this, but since Gorgosh is far taller than most people, he requires a long sword to comfortably use. It should be noted that Gorger is made from a special alloy that has some fairly specific properties. It's significantly tougher than steel, enabling it to survive the superhuman strength of its owner. Not only that, but it is also a great conduit for magical energies, allowing Gorgosh to channel his wind magic through the blade, achieving devastating results. Gorgosh acquired this weapon several years ago from an old dwarven blacksmith. The blacksmith in question was old, shrewd, and highly talented when it came to making weapons. He wouldn't sell his work to any random fool, for he considered it to be a piece of art and not just something made to kill people. Suffice to say, Gorgosh went through quite a bit of trouble on his road to convince the old dwarf to forge him a sword. Even after the old geezer agreed to the deal, he refused to take the payment in money. Instead, he tasked Gorgosh with collecting a myriad of rare ores. Many of these ores were not only rare but could only be found in remote places, either inaccessible through normal means or swarming with dangerous creatures. Gorgosh had multiple encounters with death during these couple weeks, but it paid off. The dwarf guarantees that this sword will last for several lifetimes, likely outliving its very owner.


Gorgosh is an optimistic and positive man, with a light-hearted outlook on the world. Unlike most orcs, he is significantly more disciplined and doesn't enjoy getting into random fights, pillaging nor raiding. If one were to describe him he would be nothing short of highly energetic, with a tendency to move from place to place while exploring the world around him. Being a blade master means that he is honor-bound both in everyday life and in pursuit of martial prowess. Gorgosh is good at assessing when he should fight honorably and when he should employ dirty tactics, this makes him a feared opponent as one never knows what to expect from him. Still, most of his life has been dedicated to the pursuit of skill at arms, Gorgosh has adapted accordingly. He'd rarely stay in one place, seeing it as a sign of stagnation, instead choosing to travel the world and see everything there is to see. During his journeys, he has learned patience, discipline, and most importantly Gorgosh learned how to distinguish a friend from a foe.

Gorgosh isn't a hateful person and rarely does anger get the better of him, but he still has plenty of pet peeves when it comes to certain types of people. He dislikes liars, especially those who go back on their word. He despises those who prey on the innocent and derive pleasure from harming those weaker than them. Gorgosh has a particular dislike for those who are immoral and honorless, thieves, cutthroats, and criminal moguls. He had witnessed first hand the absolute depravity shown by criminal organizations that specialize in people and drug trafficking. This is why Gorgosh hates substances that cause addiction, therefore he rarely drinks and never smokes. He does exhibit signs of a morally good person, as he constantly seeks to choose 'the lesser evil' in the moral quagmires he faces throughout his life. He can also be considered somewhat of a pacifist, as he usually chooses the path of the least resistance or violence, even if it means endangering his life and limb. Furthermore, he is not, however, opposed to choosing inaction, even if this will cause others to suffer or die. Not only that, but he rarely chooses this path, however, and will gladly intervene if an innocent is attacked. That being said, if a fight is taking place between equal forces he will often not choose a side, knowing his intervention would only cause more suffering due to his incredible combat abilities.

Gorgosh enjoys the thrill of combat to a certain degree, and he amasses knowledge on this topic as a way to make himself grow and stay safe in the ever-changing world. This is not to say that he enjoys war, and is, as a matter of fact, opposed to large-scale conflicts as means of settling disputes. He is well aware of the scope of mass destruction, sometimes irreparable in nature, that can be caused by wars. His dislike of wars also stems from his aversion to fighting those who are weaker than him or simply don't want to fight. Gorgosh thinks it's wrong to force people into situations where they have to scramble to save their lives. This goes double for the common folk, peasants, and all those who don't fight to make living. He is still averse to mass loss of life but has a more mellow outlook on mercenaries and professional soldiers who died during the war.

He is somewhat bothered by the fact that neither humans nor orcs truly accept him as one of their own, which had caused him to have minor identity crises on several occasions. Deep down Gorgosh wants to fit somewhere, to be a part of something instead of being considered as a mutt or brute. In his younger days this prejudice gave his self-esteem quite the blow, he'd feel ugly and uncomfortable in his own skin. He'd be ashamed of his bright green complexion, elongated ears, and pointy tusks. It was his father who taught him not to worry too much about what other people think and to love himself the way he is. He installed a deep sense of pride and self-love in Gorgosh, motivating him to pursue and excel in areas of his own choosing.

Overall it's hard to impact him by aiming at his orcish or human heritage. Gorgosh cares little about what others think of him and instead focuses on having a positive opinion about himself. His confidence is at a healthy level where it doesn't overlap or turn into arrogance. Gorgosh's pride in his personal abilities is nestled deep in his heart, which means that he won't let people push him around or question him like some sort of amateur. Coincidentally, he has a dry, but witty sense of humor when it comes to such situations. He'll purposefully make himself look weak or shy just to take the opponent off guard. Gorgosh picked this behavior from his mother who taught him to never reveal all his cards off the bat.

Hobbies and Interests

Gorgosh likes to travel, to see the world's wonders, and to figure them out. He likes nature in particular, enjoying the chance to move through heavily forested areas and high mountains. Gorgosh spent most of his life in places where nature thrives, hence why he gravitates towards it. In his younger days, Gorgosh learned how to hunt and how to do animal husbandry, fashion hides, even some blacksmithing. This was all a part of his growing up, being a raider's son meant that he'd have to master all the necessary survival skills. Gorgosh developed an interest in metallurgy and herbalism, spending his days in nature, collecting and writing down the various local plants. He learned how to cook as a teen, which was another invaluable skill for anyone wanting to set out on a journey. The knowledge of flavorful herbs, meat treatment as well as edible foods that can be found in the wild, all these fall into the aforementioned sphere of interest.

Gorgosh likes animals, be it wild or domestic ones, he can always take a bit of his time to admire them. He has a particular love for horses and canines. While not owning either due to his constant moving, Gorgosh has voiced his desire to buy himself a dog at some point.

Gorgosh is a weapons geek, and someone who is heavily invested in the art of combat, both armed and unarmed. Over the ages, he has amassed many times dedicated to various forms of fighting, and even more times depicting various types of cold weapons used throughout the ages. He is the type of person who can sit down and talk about stipulations of combat for hours. Furthermore, Gorgosh is no stranger to different forms of body conditioning, both spiritual and physical. He is well accustomed to the muscular and skeletal anatomy of humanoid creatures, orcs, and humans in particular. This has led him to write small journals where he keeps track of progress with different exercises, things ranging from high-intensity cardio to weightlifting. He has a habit of helping people improve their bodily physique or motivating them to better themselves through exercise and meditation. It can make him seem a little annoying at times, but he does it with the best intentions in mind. Since Gorgosh hates inactivity, he has somewhat of a personal feud with people who don't take care of their own health, as well as the health of their loved ones.


That's a good question and a peculiar one at that. If you were to ask Gorgosh what his life calling was, he'd find himself hard-pressed to answer. It's unsurprising that he can't decide what he is. Gorgosh had done many things in his life, he was a hunter, a bodyguard, a raider, and many other forms of hired muscle. Despite having moderate to advanced knowledge in areas regarding metallurgy, leather treating, and herbalism, Gorgosh prefers to be a mercenary for hire. It's hard for him to find a stable job since he moves around quite a lot. In order to make ends meet Gorgosh takes on those jobs that require him to be a physical enforcer. Stuff ranging from guarding a certain area all the way to hunting down bandits and dangerous creatures. That said, he doesn't take up all the offers presented to him. Due to being honor-bound, Gorgosh will turn down assassination contracts that involve innocent people, as well as extortion and robbery. He holds a strong dislike for serious criminals, especially ones who deal in drugs or drug-like substances.


Gorgosh is half human-half orc by birth, with a human father and an orcish mother. His father was, and still presumably is a warlord, leading a small army of steppe raiders who pillage and plunder across the world. It is unknown how and under what circumstances his parents met, but whatever happened had led to a union, and Gorgosh was born out of it. Presumably, it was his father who wanted strong children, so he turned to an orcish woman who could bear him a son. His mother was a warrior too, she'd only marry a human after being defeated in combat. Which she was, their marriage was born more out of mutual interest and need than any real semblance of love. Though Gorgosh cannot say that he wasn't loved by his parents, his mother was tough and rough with her upbringing which meant that Gorgosh had to fight even from a young age. But she loved him, she absolutely adores the boy despite not having many maternal instincts beforehand. It was the father who was the softer parent in the relationship. Gorgosh's father, Tara's Kul, would spoil Gorgosh whenever he'd get the chance to, something that his wife didn't approve of. Nonetheless, the way these two raised him seems to have been successful. Gorgosh grew up to be a warrior, albeit one bound by honor and far more disciplined than any raider would allow himself to be.

He seems to have slight issues when interacting with orcs outside his family. Gorgosh is a warrior at heart, of great stature and martial prowess, yet orcs have on several occasions made fun of him for being a mutt. It isn't much better with humans who are just as prejudiced against his green skin, large tusks, and pointy ears. He has gotten used to dirty looks and the general fear that his form invokes in people. But Gorgosh stays positive about this and doesn't shy away from socializing with humans to the best of his abilities. He gets along well with other mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, guards, and adventures from all around the world.

Biography & Lore

Gorgosh was born out of a union between an orcish female and a human male. To better understand Gorgosh's upbringing, we must first take a look at the kind of culture he hails from. His father, Tara's Kul, was the chiffon of a large conglomerate of steppe tribes colloquially known as Antes. The Antes were nomads. They prowled the northern Steppes following the herds of wild beasts such as woolly mammoths and rhinos. They had no sense of a permanent home since the world was ever-changing. While most nomadic nations preferred hit-and-run tactics and horse archery, the Antes were famous for charging with lances and their heavy armor-clad cavalry, the cataphracts. They stood their ground against the biggest empires around and saw off great barbarian despoilers, both human and inhuman. Antes didn't settle permanently, hence why they preferred a nomadic lifestyle. They didn't do agriculture, instead of living off their plunders, hunt, whatever cattle and other animals they owned. Tribal identity itself was usually strongest among the ruling elite. Thanks to their horses and superior weaponry, relatively small numbers of such nomads could control vast territories inhabited by various ethnicities. No settled nation could defeat them, as they had no cities and towns to conquer. Perhaps it was also some of their rather frightening hobbies which put off potential conquerors.

They collected the skulls of their enemies, cutting off the top above the eyebrow line, in order to make it stable, filling the skull with gold and using it upside-down as a cup for ‘kumys’, a wine-like beverage from the fermented mare’s milk. They liked to fashion human skin too, using it to make horse harnesses, saddles and armor. Furthermore, they used composite bows, made from wood and animal horn, and they loved to smoke hallucinogenic mushrooms and herbs. Since most civilizations only ever encounter these people as antagonists, they believe that the entire race consists of nothing more than bellicose brutes bent on raping and plunder. In truth, they were this but much more, for Antes had as much of a complex and rich culture as anyone else. They were a deeply spiritual people, seeing the works of their Gods in all things, from the whispers of the wind to the howling of great mountains. They not only had a spoken but written language too, their knowledge of smiting and stone masonry was impeccable. This allowed them to produce high-quality weapons en masse, arming their warriors with the finest equipment.

Naturally, being warriors, Antes would favor physical attributes and martial prowess above all else. Gorgosh's father Taras Kul was no exception to this rule. He ruled his people with an iron fist, plundering and pillaging lands far and wide. But he was not without his own issues. Taras Kul could not find a suitable mate among human women. He considered them to be weak and incapable of bearing him a strong, healthy son. Being a genetic freak in his own right, Taras Kul stood a head taller and several stones heavier than even the largest warriors that Antes could produce. These were matters of convenience for Taras Kul. Instead of picking himself a human bride, he went for an orcish woman, Maghara. Maghara was a hired mercenary, acting as Lil's personal bodyguard. She wasn't too on board with the idea of having children, but Taras Kul persuaded her with promises of cozy life and an ability to command the warriors of her own. The two got together, did the deed and Gorgosh happened.

Gorgosh was just as much of a genetic freak as his parents were, arguably even more so due to his imposing size. At birth, he dwarfed any human baby, looking more orcish than human, sans for his facial features. He had his father's face. A strong, aquiline nose and high resting cheekbones. Years would pass as if flying and Gorgosh would grow into a young adult, carefully groomed under the watchful eye of his parents. Even at this age, he showcased exceptional physical abilities and aptitude for warfare. It wasn't either long before he decided to leave the clan and pursue his own destiny, much to the dismay of his parents. Gorgosh would travel far and wide, collecting bits and pieces of information regarding all things combat-related. He'd spend months at a time in isolation, all for the sake of training his rapidly developing body. By the time he was thirty Gorgosh was already a renewed warrior, well known for his skill in armed and unarmed fighting. At times, he would take students or companions, teaching them the things he knew in order to preserve this invaluable knowledge. Gorgosh spent much of his years moving from place to place, which prevented him from building sustainable, long-term relationships. Even those handfuls of people who followed him around to be trained quickly left after attaining what they needed. Regardless, Gorgosh takes pride in his accomplishments, looking forward to new battles and new discoveries. Right now he is at the peak of his physical abilities.
