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General Khya'xss Printable version

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General Khya'xss

Biographical information
Malakath, 49 Mountain region of the Waste, area known as the Twin-Horned Mountain.
Physical description
Jarlax Male 8'11 Goldish Brown Dark silvery grey
Political information
General of the Twin-Mountain Clan
Out-of-character information

Highly respected and merciless in battle, Khya'xss Is as dangerous as Jarlax can come. This haunting warrior of the Twin-Mountain Clan has earned his rank though careful victories, savage brutality and strong-willed loyalty to those around him. However, this was never always the case for the menacing and cutthroat killer, for his past was a whirlwind of many things; Love, hope, happiness. Only to descend into fear, sorrow and finally hatred.


Ki, like any Jarlax-Touched dragons, are an aberration of nature. The name Ki can be roughly translated to the word "it", showing that this creature seems to be no more or less a tool rather than a living animal, if you can call it alive.

Ki's species is unknown, although theories and speculations can be rumoured and gossiped by those occupying the Wall of Thanasis. It is a terrible creature of cold violence and persistent blood thirst. The original rider of this dragon is lost to time, culled by Khya'xss very talons, as for the dragon, it's fate would be to serve and feed its new rider, as Jarlax are known to drain magical energies from living beings, Khya'xss seems to take reserved pleasure in draining the dragons very being, first its spirit, then its personality. Now only its flesh and bones remain, and barely so. Ki is a nightmare to witness on the battlefield, its horrid screeching inflicting fear into to other dragons as they watched their own kind being inflicted by such torment.

Skills and Abilities

Like many of his kind, Khya'xss is athletically built. With far stronger muscles and efficient stamina, he is able to run down and slaughter foes like a hound and its flock of sheep. Capable of flinging away a full-grown man or tearing them apart with his hands and teeth, however he does pride himself in his skills of glaive-wielding, as he is often carrying alongside him a large long and barbed glaive that he utilises to impale though grounded foes while he is on his dragon, Ki. Or even, bizarrely, use it as a lance against other dragon riders, either to stab though the rider or pierce the heart of dragons.

Another talent that any Jarlax have are their infectious talons and their capability to leech magic from other beings. The first part is only really seen if anyone was lucky enough to escape from any jarlax, only for the wound to become deadly infected and causing the victim to pass in a painful and horrible death.

The Leeching power on the other hand is a far more mind burning experience. With the capability to drain away any magical energy from its source, to then be transferred into the Jarlax. Khya'xss has many moments of tormenting and traumatising his enemies; draining away their comrade's life or feeding of the essence of dragons in front of the Wall Watch of Thanasis, sinking in that even their gods can share the same horrifying death as they will soon bear in the time for which the Jarlax will finally have their revenge.

Biography & Lore

While many know him simply as the dangerous Jarlax, willing to slaughter any who stands in his path in the pursuit of bringing the Jarlax closer to their ancestral home, he in fact had a kinder path, one of love and community, and most of all, a happy family.

Few years ago, Khya'xss wasn't a general that he is now well known for, but rather a caring and compassionate father. Living in the Twin-Mountain clan, he was betrothed and loving to his wife, Syar'axss, who they both fallen in love under the full moon. And only another few years later, did their family grew, as 3 children were born, each shared with as much love as the other, which in this case, was very much a lot. Syar'axss tended to the younglings while Khya'xss attended his duties, gathering supplies for the clan and retrieving valuable stocks of meat thanks to his bonded companion, Lei'ik, a fairly affectionate Screech Wing, who on some occasions have cared for the children of Syar'axss and Khya'xss while the two parents were busy.

But life can often times be cruel, and it can always be crueler for those who have everything they've ever wanted. It happened too soon, it wasn't fair, but life is never fair.

For a special occasion, Syar'axss and Khya'xss would both share a beautiful sun setting flight upon Lei'ik. Flying over the land as the wind blew near their ears, the whistling of air hushing an approaching foe. Bursting from the clouds below, a mighty and imposing dragon emerged from the foiling sea, riding atop it was its rider. With great and sudden speed, Lei'ik and the two lovers stir the direction downwards, trying to escape from the attacker as they desperately tried to escape.

Dragon fire engulfed the sky as the Screech Wing dived, swirled and flapped out of the way of the rushing flames. Just close to the forest floor now, the couple would've been safe, but for the dragon rider, luck was on their side. As the rider's dragon shot another bolt of flames, this time burning though the wing flap of Lei'ki. The creature and its occupants began to plummet to the ground.

Upon the ground a battle ensues. The dragon and the Sreetch Wing, fighting in a one-sided battle while the Jarlax couple dueled against the Thanasis rider. Against claw and bone with steel and armour, the fight couldn't be even more unfair. As the fight continued onwards, the Thanasis, seemingly in an act of frustration, cried out in rage before charging outward, and striking down Khya'xss onto the ground, bearing is blade on him, only to be interrupted as Syar'axss grappled onto him, tearing him away from her lover. But the Ascended elbowed into her, and with great swiftness, sliced his blade against her abdomen, just enough for Khya'xss to watch as his wife would struggle onto the ground, pained.

With a shot of adrenaline, the now widowed lover charged forward with all of his might, knocking down the rider as Khya'xss leaped onto him, soon smashing into his helm, each hit blooding his own hand and crushing the rider's head. He did not care for the pain, he did not care for the screaming of the Ascended, all he wanted to do, in that very moment was to kill them, to take vengeance on what they did, in killing Khya'xss wife, the Rider will now fully understand true pain.

As the Dragon Rider laid on the ground dead, Khya'xss turned towards where Lei'ik would've been, but it was also too late. The Screech Wing's head, torned off and laid on the ground as the dragon struggled, its bond with its rider being severed upon their death. To add more insult on the now infected injury, Khya'xss decided to leech upon the dragon that killed his first ever friend, to now instead be drained of all of its vitality and spirit, and to now instead serve under his will.

Many changes have happened upon that day, with the Jarlax-Touched Dragon, Khya'xss has ascended into becoming a general, now proving himself worthy to the clan as he slaughters without remorse, soon granting himself a name among the people of Thanasis as The Widow Maker. For he reaped the lives of those who had love, from family to lovers, friends or otherwise, he has killed and killed and killed... And yet his burning rage, his deepen sorrow and his shattered heart still craved for more.

As for his children? They have grown distant from him, still young but now living alongside a murderous general, socialising with their father has grown more and more strain with each raid and attack. But there is still a connection of love between them, and although it isn't visible, deep beneath his wounded heart, Khya'xss would burn the whole world if even one of them were to be harmed by the enemy, and he will ensure that it will stain on his enemy's history for eons to come.

