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Gavril Dan'kosi Printable version

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Gavril Dan'kosi

Biographical information
Aberresai 35 None.
Physical description
No'rei Male 6' 2" 225 lbs dark, shoulder length brown copper/bronze
Political information
Out-of-character information
Aeyliea Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)

Write a summary paragraph about your character here


A brooding, silent protagonist awaits.

Gavril generally presents little more than a hooded male figure encased in hard leather armor gleaming from the steel disks sewn into it. Like nearly all of his kind, he is dark haired and eyed and possessed of a strength and sturdiness that outstrip his human companions.

Shorn of his concealing garb, Gavril is surprisingly unremarkable. Dark, shoulder length hair bound in a tail; a face unlined by age and creased by on solid scar tracing the right side of his head. Scales, a muddy green, decorate his chin and gleam on his throat and the tops of his arms, draconic in nature and hard to the touch.

Gavril tends to wear hardened leather armor, often sewn with disks to reinforce it. Leather armguards hide more of the characteristic traits of the No'rei. Weather he is in armor or in shirt and trousers, the massive two-handed sword he prefers is always on his back and ready to be pulled for violence.

Underneath his clothes, though is them sot distinguishing feature of the man. The tattoo on his back spreads from his shoulder blades to the top of his neck and round his chest. Such extensive tattooing is indicative of rather low status among the No'rei, and so it is no wonder that he tries to cover the markings as much as he can.

Skills and Abilities

<List a few key skills your character has>


Gavril is the epitome of the silent protagonist.

The man is not prone to easy violent outbursts, which is uncommon among his kith and kin. It is difficult to really read the man behind the cold mask; he speaks seldom, moves with an economy of motion and speaks the same. Unsurprisingly, he is not easily deterred from any task he sets himself to; being outcast from his people and managing to survive long enough to leave the open plains is a feat of determination in and of itself, and his measured and implacable reputation has served him well in life.

Gavril believes in honor in the same way that many religious' believe in their gods. Despite know that he has none of his own, he still tries to live to the ideals of his people where practicable. As such, while he is not quick to anger, certain actions will elicit immediate and violent retribution.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
