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Garin Darmarr Printable version

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Garin Darmarr

Biographical information
Vel Anir 30 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Male 5'10 170 Black Blue Pale
Political information
Black Guard
Out-of-character information

Clad in the dark armor of his brothers-in-arms, he is dedicated to defending his home. Filled with determination and loyalty, he is ready to face any challenge that may come his way in the name of Vel Anir. Garin is not just a warrior; he is a guardian, a protector of his people, devoted to serving his kingdom with all his heart and soul.


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Skills and Abilities

Besides a natural talent for swordsmanship, in his quest for mastery, he has also trained extensively with other melee weapons. Though rarely used in his past, he also has experience in unarmed combat. Garin believes his training in hand to hand fighting gives him an edge in close-quarters, allowing him to possibly outmaneuver and overpower his opponents.


Despite his reserved nature, he possesses a fierce loyalty to his family and his people, always ready to protect them in times of need. Those who know him better understand the depth of his loyalty and the strength of his character. Even with his success and formidable skills in combat, he has remained humble, always putting the needs of his kingdom and its people above his own desires. His dedication to his duty has kept him grounded, even in the face of great challenges.

Biography & Lore

Being the heir of the prosperous merchant family in Vel Anir, he was destined for a life of luxury. However, his heart yearned for more than just material wealth. From a young age, he displayed a natural talent for swordsmanship, much to the surprise of both his family and peers. Instead of indulging in the comforts of his family's wealth, he spent countless hours honing his skills with the sword. As the years passed, his determination and dedication to his craft only grew stronger, fueling his desire and eagerness to one day enlist in the Anirian Guard.

Throughout basic training, he continued to excel in swordsmanship. As he progressed in his military career, he found himself drawn to the disciplined lifestyle of a soldier, thriving in the structured environment of the Guard. Unlike many of his friends who wished for civilian life, he embraced the challenges, finding purpose, and reminding himself he had no desire to inherit the merchant lifestyle of his family. His dedication and skill did not go unnoticed, and before long, he found himself welcomed into the elite fighting force of the Army of the West,the legendary Black Guard.
