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Fraymoer Printable version

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Biographical information
It's complicated Very old Wherever there is coin to earn
Physical description
Unseelie Fae Better you don't find out 6' 183lbs Moss green Snakey Light brown
Political information
Out-of-character information
Fray Link the source of your character's image

Fray likes to think they are "a what you see is what you get" sort of individual, and make no mistake for the most part, they are. But Fray also has a long, winding past littered with skeletons that they do not wish to speak of. At least, not without ample plying of a greedy and indulgent nature. One could say that they are haunted, running from things that will certainly catch up sooner or later. Until then, this deplorable Fae aims to explore every vice, sin, and kink known to man.

Unfortunately such lofty endeavors require coin. And since Fray isn't exactly the diplomatic type, they have found their wagon hitched to a rather crochety and decrepit mortal to see this ambition through.


Everything about Fray can be categorized under three labels: practical, feral, and all of the above. Their hair is closely shorn near the ears, increasing in volume towards the top and back, where a chaotic mop of loose, mossy green curls turn whichever way they please. A glorified mullet, if you will. Their skin is the color of acorns and their eyes a strange, iridescent imitation of venomous snakes.

Fray was built for violence, with impressive biceps and broad shoulders that could cut a wide swath through any crowd. Their canines are too sharp for comfort and their hands more claw-like than fingery. Every inch of them exudes confidence; there is nothing soft or inviting about this wandering Unseelie Fae.

Androgynous seems to suit Fray best. Not too feminine, not too masculine, just somewhere comfortably in between. Their flat, toned muscles and leather armor certainly lend to that effect, leaving everyone guessing and no answers to be readily found. One could, of course, try to share a bed with the likes of Fray to settle the score once and for all, but they have a type, and if you don't qualify and try anyway, you may very well found yourself skewered on the pointy end of their beloved Hildy.

Skills and Abilities

1. Beating/dicing people to a pulp
2. Drinking
3. Eating
4. Wooing bar maids
5. Talking to trees

Fray is good with a sword and better with their fists. In part because drunkenness doesn't mix well with proper swordmanship, but mostly because they just like the feel of bones crunching beneath their knuckles. When sober, they take extra special care of their sword Hildy, which, in spite of its grossly common name, was made with otherworldly craft. The metal is silver in appearance, but beyond that Fray remains fond of their secrets. Safe to say that whatever it's made of steers clear of iron.


Tongue full of venom, temper like acid. Fray is, as their namesake implies, rough around the edges. Not one to mince words—or fists—Fray is the type to punch first and ask questions later. The reasons behind this may vary, ranging from drunkenness to a short fuse to just having rather rotten luck in life, but the outcome is usually the same. Fray rarely stays in one place for long, keeping just a few steps ahead of karmic consequences.

On occasion, Fray might do something to balance the scales. Most of the time, however, they just end up earning endearing nicknames like knave and incorrigible wretch.

Biography & Lore

Fray was born under reportedly brutal circumstances. They aren't quite clear on what the nitty gritty details were, but what they do know is that someone pissed off the wrong Duanann of this or that, and boom Fray became an orphan. Fortunately, the Unseelie welcomed them into the fold regardless. They were raised rather chaotically, bouncing between caregivers, mentors, and tyrants of endless variety, but were kept alive long enough to finally strike out on their own. Whether they left of their own volition or because of exile, Fray refuses to clarify. The more they are asked, the more they drink.


Employer: Aldebaran