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Finn character - Printable version

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Biographical information
Unknown 22 Elbion
Physical description
Unknown/mostly human Female just below average just below average blonde mottled blue fair
Political information
Street Gang, secret affiliation to one of the 11 ruling families of the city thief by day, dreamer by night
Out-of-character information
Tahi Pinterest


Finn is shorter than average and very slight. Her fair skin tends to blister rather than tan in the sun, though her blonde hair shifts between sandy and white highlights.

Skills and Abilities

+smart, good at learning the science or magic behind things, especially anything and everything related to air ships
+small and fast
+/- dreamer, so can be easily distracted if something better piques her interest
-not well coordinated
-slightly near-sighted
-more on the socially awkward side


Finn is an introvert and shy/quiet when meeting anyone new. But once she trusts someone, she becomes fiercely loyal. Think Newt Scamander. She is also very 'nerdy.' She loves to learn about anything and likes to take things apart to figure out how they work. If it has anything to do with flying or the air, she's into it.

Biography & Lore

Her lack of appetite and smaller size may be due to a childhood of growing up on the paths of Elbion. Essentially a street rat, eating what she could steal. She can't remember a life outside of the Marauder's Gang. She'd always been with them. Gangs offered protection and security from slavers and the rival gangs, after all.

Finn was a good thief and pitpocket, for the most part. She was almost as good at getting caught by tripping over her own two feet and would've been in jail or traded as a slave or servant by now if it wasn't for Gristle. Gristle was essentially her big brother in the gang. He had a soft spot for the small girl. And he admired her curiosity and ability to build gadgets and distractions during some of the bigger jobs. Gristle downplayed her talents and was thankful she was just as quiet about them, otherwise he knew the Big Boss would have an eye on Finn and her potential to build an airship. Rumor had it the Big Boss was the head of one of the eleven ruling families of the city. Didn't want to mess with that lot.

Finn had dreams of breaking free from the city and taking Gristle with her. One day she'd save enough to build an airship of her very own. Maybe even explore the Forbidden City or make it all the way to the outer Tundra.

Finn's airship (plus hot-air balloon over the top):
