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Biographical information
Summer Court 530 Summer Court
Physical description
Duanann Female 6'4'' 167lbs Golden Violet Sun-Kissed
Political information
Servant/Seer for the Fellovenius household
Out-of-character information
Amz 2-5-24 Midjourney/Self Edits

"At that wide orifice her trembling heart was drawn forth,
and in silver basin laid,
Quite through transfixed with a deadly dart,
And in her heart yet steaming fresh embayed:
And those two villains, which her steps upstayd,
When her weak feet could scarcely her sustain,
And vital powers began to fade,
Her forward still with torture did constrain,
And evermore increased her consuming pain."


To say that Eyrian boasts great beauty, is the same as to state that when the sun shines it is warm, or that snow is cool and biting when touched — an obvious truth.

Even for a Duanann she is devastating, radiating with a certain kind of glow that makes her appear as if she’s somehow managed to capture the sun itself within her.

As with most Fae, Eyrian takes a great deal of pride in her appearance, but is particularly mindful of her hair, preferring to keep it styled in loose, buttery waves that flow like a river of molten gold down to her waist. When she gazes out at the world she does so through eyes that burn like the violet of a sky caught in the twilight between day and night.

At only five hundred and thirty years young, Eyrian mirrors the vibrancy of a spring's first bloom, with lush lips and dewy skin that looks as if it'd been dusted with freckles made of gold, applied by an artist's meticulous hand. Her bearing is delicate, with a lithe and willowy frame that is ever adorned in jewels and swathed in the finest of silks, as pleases Lady Fellovenius.

Skills and Abilities

Having had her true name hidden from her, the full breadth of Eyrian's abilities are unknown.

Fragments of the Future
Eyrian can catch glimpses of possible futures, but these visions are often fragmented and cryptic. Unlike a fully empowered seer whose foresight might be clear and comprehensive, Eyrian's predictions come in the form of puzzles and riddles. She might see the outcome of a significant event but not understand the steps leading to it, or be able to perceive threats, without being able to pinpoint their source or nature.

Additionally, whenever Eyrian taps into this ability, the physical toll on her is significant on both her mind and body, albeit mitigated by the fact that her true name remains concealed from her; leading to severe headaches that sometimes take days to resolve, and temporal disorientation. Were Eyrian to come into the fullness of her power, the physical toll of using her ability could potentially become more severe, encompassing more permanent or dangerous effects.

Whispers of the Wild
Eyrian seems to understand the language of flora. Whether this was an ability she picked up in her past, or something that is innate, Eyrian can identify which herbs heal, and which herbs hurt with unerring accuracy. Her expertise extends beyond mere identification; she is able to turn these plants into potent elixirs, salves, and potions. Her concoctions can heal wounds, baffle others, cure ailments deemed incurable, and occasionally, when the situation demands, create brews with effects that are best left unsaid.

The Honest Truth
Like all Fae, Eyrian does not have the ability to lie, often focusing more on the literal meaning of words and overlooking the tone. Despite her relatively young age, Eyrian has proven herself to be both perceptive and a quick study. During the hundred and fifty years of service she's spent in the Fellovenius household, Eyrian has gradually begun to grasp the subtle art of misdirection. When faced with a question she prefers not to answer directly, she may pose a question in return, giving herself enough time to formulate a truthful, yet uncompromising response. Should this strategy prove ineffective, she turns to leveraging her kinds tendency to interpret words at face value, formulating responses that, while factually correct, can be interpreted in a multitude of ways.

Shackled By Iron
The Achilles heel of all Fae kind, Eyrian is not impervious to its bite. The mere touch of this metal against her skin can inflict severe burns, resulting in intense pain and, depending on its application, potentially serious injuries that may result in death.

Laws of Hospitality

Despite her lowly status as a servant, Eyrian is not exempt from the Laws of Hospitality that governs Fae conduct. She is acutely aware of social perception and how her actions will be taken within her household and without, ensuring that she carries herself accordingly; understanding that her place in the household depends on the ongoing favor and satisfaction of those she serves, who have the power to dismiss her simply by invoking her name.


Eyrian seems to exude a natural sort of elegance that follows her from day to day, fulfilling whatever tasks she's assigned with grace, compliance, and complete deference, not only valuing efficiency and hard work, but embodying it — as would be expected from someone in a subservient role. Yet, behind this polished exterior, there lies an understated edge to her personality that's slowly begun to emerge, like the hidden thorns on a rose stem— beautiful, yet capable of drawing blood.

Perhaps a remnant of her obscured past, or a dormant trait that's been coaxed into the light during the hundred and fifty years she's spent in service to the Fellovenius family, or more accurately, to Lady Edelmina — a woman whose ambitions are as boundless and vast as the skies of Arethil.

Since the onset of her service within the Fellovenius household, and for reasons unknown to Eyrian, Lady Edelmina took a particular interest in her. An experience that has been at times both terrifying, and humbling to someone of her station— with Edelmina's tutelage often oscillating between nurturing and ruthless.

Eyrian, for her part, absorbs these lessons with an impressive ease, her mind and spirit bending to the will of her mentor, discovering an unexpected pleasure in the educational sessions with Edelmina that often afford her opportunities that allow her to expand her intellect and test her limits.

Nonetheless, there is a persistent dissonance that gnaws at her conscience, a discomfort that she cannot quite grasp nor articulate. It especially whispers across the chasms of her mind when she is required to stand witness to the more brutal customs of her society, and at times, even partake in them.

Biography & Lore

Werds, werds, werds, werds, werds, (WIP)
