Dizi'yvesik (“Dizzy”)
Dizi'yvesik is a tiefling who grew up in the sequestered city of Toriq. Hidden deep within the Underrealm it was a township that consisted primarily of tieflings and goblins whose history and religions had spanned back millenia. Central and integral to their way of life was the concept of servitude. Though some scholars who became aware of Toriq postulated that these attitudes stemmed from enslavement by the drow the tieflings and goblins who inhabit Toriq simply see their religious beliefs as unquestionable.
Most of the inhabitants of the city pledged to one of a pantheon of deities who allegedly created the Underrealm eons ago. However, Dizi'yvesik was different even at an early age. Not content to worship what she considered 'dead gods' and fairytales she sought to practice her religious beliefs by finding and serving living gods or demigods.
Ostracized from her people from her people due to her "strange ways" she sought a deity to follow in the above world. Since her teenage years she has gone from living god to living god seeking one who is worthy of her devotion.
Pale pink skin, jutting horns, dark hair, and ruby eyes with a blackened sclera define Dizzy's face. Her actual body is relatively lean with clear muscle definition in her arms and legs from a lifetime of training, combat, and servitude.
Skills & Abilities
Crossbows are her preferred method of fighting. She became quite accurate after years of practice and prefers them over regular bows due to their ability to pierce armors.
Dizzy is also adept in combat with her scimitar which she typically wears upon her back. Although certainly not a world-class talent she can typically hold her own in a fight with her blade.
Although she was never exceptionally magically gifted she does have the ability to control and summon smoke. Obscuring the vision of most foes and even causing respiratory problems if exposure persists against some of her enemies. This was an especially useful talent in the Underrealm though it still has various uses above ground.
Early Life
Dizi'yvesik grew up in Toriq as a rebellious girl. Disappointing her parents by refusing to pledge to the same goddess at her age of atonement ceremony she instead informed the assembly of Toriq that she would be departing to seek out a "true god" who "lives among us and through their own merits ascend to godhood!"
She was met with snickers, snorts, and a long speech from her own father as to how foolish she was being. Regardless, she made her way towards the surface and began to track down rumors of demi-gods and goddesses with breathing hearts.
The First God
As a teenager the first tale she heard of a god amongst mortals came from a remote village in the mountains of the Erdeniin Dynasty. Supposedly the great teacher of the tallest foothill had been ordained by a fallen god and was casting miracles.
Dizi'yvesik realized two things in this first journey. The immediate thing she came to understand was that non-tieflings struggled to properly pronounce her name, as a result she adopted the moniker of "Dizzy" due to a local peasant's attempt at saying her full name.
The second thing she realized was that not all fables and tales have a happy ending. The man she pledged to and obediently served for three years turned out to be a liar and a fraud. He was no god, he was not ordained, and his miracles were simply parlor tricks. Frustrated and alarmed that it had taken her so long to see through his games she quietly plotted his assassination and plunged a crossbow bolt through his heart before systematically killing a few of his most loyal followers.
The Second God
Serjian the Great was a mighty geitlan of the planes. He had united countless tribes and was hailed as an imperator and god amongst the other goatfolk of the region. She came to serve him for a fulfilling number of months until he died of sepsis after consuming a mushroom he insisted was, "definitely edible."
The Third God
Frustrated that her first two heavenly leaders had been liars and swindlers she was very careful about her third pick. A rhaksha tiger demon who ran a number of carnival tents and was incredibly powerful.
Although her service did not end with his death, purely because he was simply too powerful for her to kill, she eventually realized he was a demon who captured followers through trickery and gambling. She was wise enough never to fall for one of these tricks and gambling was very much against the tiefling upbringing of Toriq so upon realizing his game she easily left him for her final god (this time for sure).
The Fourth God
Let's not talk about the fourth god.
The Fifth God
An elf that had lived for four centuries who now called a grove deep within the Falwood home. He had amassed a following of humans, elves, and dwarves. He was an incredibly talented mage that Dizzy would later learn had used his magic to provide for the various followers he took as he bed many of the young women.
She had chosen to end her service after the elf attempted to take her to bed and made a lewd comment to her once she'd refused him. The next day she had waited outside his abode, fired a crossbow bolt into his temple, and left the Falwood behind to pledge to her next god.
She had chosen to end her service after the elf attempted to take her to bed and made a lewd comment to her once she'd refused him. The next day she had waited outside his abode, fired a crossbow bolt into his temple, and left the Falwood behind to pledge to her next god.
The Final God
Now Dizzy heads for Amol'Kalit, home of the empire which is led by the mighty Gerra. A man who is born of a demi-god himself, who united the abtati elves, who has become a god and ruled his domain with righteous vigor.
The only problem she's faced is that she doesn't know what Gerra looks like. The tales claim he has fire for hair and stands eleven stories tall. A true god, her final god.