A slim, small stature does woman’s by the standards of most humanoid species, but average for women of her species. She had dark grey skin and paints much of it with red dye for psychological effect and for its believed magi-religious effects on her. She is a fairly distant woman, who respects strength and honor above all things. Magic is fine but if you’re physically weak and not crippled From injury you will have her disdain and scorn. She carries a single handed curved sword and a similarly shaped dagger.
She is a small woman compared to most others in the world, save those of her own tribe. She has smooth but thick skin and spiked spurs protrude downward from her elbows, and are coated with a thin layer of filmy venom designed to stop the heart. She is a very curvaceous woman, healthy and strong. Her dark grey-green skin is always painted with red dye all over her body, and she wears very little to let that painted skin be seen. Her hair is black and in thick, long dreadlocks that fall down to the small of her back.
Skills and Abilities
-disdains weakness
She is a to the point woman, who mainly wants to prove herself worthy of her tribe. To claim ten heads from highly skilled opponents is her dream. This doesn’t mean that she is cruel or uncaring. Earn her friendship and you earn her undying loyalty, which means betrayal of her trust means death. She enjoys sparring with skilled people, and she also enjoys woodcarving when she’s bored, and has gotten quite good,
Biography & Lore