Dimitrius Tirtius
Tall, strong, clad in armor and intimidating, Dimitrius is actually rather attractive as far as grim, brutish soldiers go. With his well sculpted muscles, his impressive looking armour of segmented plates, scutum while and chiseled face. However his grim, aggressive expression always tends to outweigh his good looks and turn him into a frightening soldier to be reckoned with.
Skills and Abilities
Excellent defender: his scutum shield makes his defenses nearly impregnable from the front.
Gladius Expert: raised with this weapon in hand, he can cut up most enemies with little difficulty at short range.
Outdated Armour: his home had long been at war with itself, and therefore fell behind the times, so his home is still in Antiquety, meaning his armour doesn't protect all of him.
Short Range: due to his shorter weapon he cannot reach someone with a longer weapon easily, this is often balanced out by the scutum.
He, despite his appearance, is actually quite friendly, albeit very formal. It is difficult to tell whom he considers friends due to this fromality but he is always polite and is a kind man at heart, except in war, that is when mercy no longer exists in his mind. Overall, a good man, and very protective of those close to him.