Dedra, The Lucky One
Dedra tells fortunes, and, for an extra fee, can make you a bit luckier. A ruby will bring you the love of the one you desire. A sapphire will give you success in business. An diamond grants you victory in battle. And if you had to shed blood or break a heart to obtain these treasures, it is rumored that Dedra can bestow upon you a truly marvelous destiny.
There are only three rules:
1. Do not ask about the ribbon around Dedra's neck.
2. Do not stare at the man with the blue beard behind her tent.
3. Do not, under any circumstances, look at the iron key around the man's neck.
If you violate any of these rules? Well, there will be very bad luck indeed.
Dedra is small and slender, practically enveloped by her green veil and silks. From what one can see of her, she has ghostly white skin, splashed with glittery makeup, and a gentle smile. However, she has a tendency to grin for uncomfortably long periods of time, causing her lips to twitch.
Her eyes have a delirious look to them, as though she is eagerly seeing things others cannot, or desperately avoiding the sight of something very obvious.
She has a very thin copper ribbon around her neck. Pay it no attention.
Her eyes have a delirious look to them, as though she is eagerly seeing things others cannot, or desperately avoiding the sight of something very obvious.
She has a very thin copper ribbon around her neck. Pay it no attention.
Skills and Abilities
A Loan of Luck:
Once per session, if one person has a stroke of bad luck around Dedra, she can briefly "loan them" good fortune and have them achieve what they desire. Of course, with every loan, there comes a debt. Someone will have to pay with bad luck later on. Dedra tends to assume this role often, unless someone else offers. If she burns her toast or gets paint splashed on her dress, at least someone else is happy, right?
Once per session, if one person has a stroke of bad luck around Dedra, she can briefly "loan them" good fortune and have them achieve what they desire. Of course, with every loan, there comes a debt. Someone will have to pay with bad luck later on. Dedra tends to assume this role often, unless someone else offers. If she burns her toast or gets paint splashed on her dress, at least someone else is happy, right?
<What is your character's personality like?>
Biography & Lore
<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>