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Dauntla Printable version

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Biographical information
Bhathairk About 18 Bhathairk
Physical description
Dark Elf/Human Hybrid Female 6' 6" 198 pounds White Ruby Dark Coffee
Political information
Orcs Animal Trainer
Out-of-character information
Wendy Diego 11/4/2018


One of the most striking things about Dauntla is her height, she stands head and shoulders over most men, even taller than the Orcs that raised her, she does not seem to suffer much from health problems that one may expect from being so large. Her 'exotic' appearance does not stop with her height, Dauntla has curiously contrasting hair and skin, with her flesh being deep brown and her dreadlocked hair being snow white, her eyes are also a rich ruby. These traits lead most to believe that she is of dark elf and human decent. She is well built, as her hard life in Bhathairk would require, but retains gracile curves.

Skills and Abilities

Her most notable skill is her way with animals of all stripes, her adopted father was a decendent of Mhartoc and worked in the stables coordinating breeding of the more dangerous beasts. Dauntla was permitted to play with young animals while a child and so she learned from an early age about animal body language and communication.

She is also beginning to learn basic swordsmanship from visiting humans, she decided to pursue this after she was rewarded an old short sword from a knight who's horse she prevented from being stolen. Dauntla is not yet an expert in this area, she is still trying to convert her long limbs in to a strength instead of a hindrance.


Dauntla is not a friendly person, her upbringing as a half elf and half human in an Orcish world was not an easy or pleasant experience. Over the years, she has built a fortress in her mind where she protects her emotions from others, leaving only her harsh and uncaring exterior on display, only ever opening up to her parents and her animals. Though it is rare to see, Dauntla has a sharp sense of humor and a dry wit that she wields like a weapon.

Biography & Lore

Her parents were both slaves captured and sold at Cerak At'Thul's slave markets. Her human mother and managed to escape the port alone and eventually she arrived in Bhathairk just before Dauntla was born. Her mother went in to labor in the streets where she was discovered by Mark'ha, as he returned from a day of work at the stables. The orc would have ignored the human's cries but the night before he had experienced a vivid dream where a glimmering beast presented him with an egg. Realizing it was a sign from the Gods, he took the woman to his home and wife, where she died in childbirth. They were able to save the child, however, and named her Dauntla, which means 'small gift' in some Orcish dialects.

Mark'ha was ridiculed for his choice to raise the infant girl, but he refused to question the will of the Gods. He swore that she would be as much an Orcess as his wife and therefore raised her as any welp would be. She would often play with other welps in the streets of the city, at least until they tried to hit her with sticks or throw rocks. As she grew, she would earn extra coin working to translate between humans and orcs and delivering letters across the city. Once she was old enough, Mark'ha allowed her to accompany him to the Mhartoc stables, where she found that she was actually quite good with the larger animals after a near miss with a wolf.

